Lump on Betta fish


New Member
Jan 8, 2017
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I just got home from college and saw that my betta fish has a lump on the side of his body as well as mild fin rot. I've noticed a decrease in size but not enough that I wont be worried. This is partially my fault because I was keeping him in a small less than a gallon bowl and also my parents hadn't cleaned the water the entire time I was away for school. So I moved him into a 3 gallon tank with a light, heater, low flow filter, and it has some plants. Before this I was using bottled water but I recently started using tap with a conditioner and some bacteria that comes in a bottle. I am treating him now with 1 teaspoon of aquarium salt for the 2 gallons of water that I put in the tank, and I am going to do a water change in 2 days. Any ideas on how I can get him healthy again and what this cyst like thing is? If needed I could try to take better photos of it.
The lump looks suspiciously like something one of my previous bettas had. Can I suggest you look at this thread , at the photos of my fish in post #8 and BeckyCats' betta later in the thread. As you have the fish in front of you it will be easier to compare his lump to those in the photos.

If it is the same thing, the position won't lead to the same complication as mine had (growing into his gill) and will be fine with this condition for a long time.
The lump looks suspiciously like something one of my previous bettas had. Can I suggest you look at this thread , at the photos of my fish in post #8 and BeckyCats' betta later in the thread. As you have the fish in front of you it will be easier to compare his lump to those in the photos.

If it is the same thing, the position won't lead to the same complication as mine had (growing into his gill) and will be fine with this condition for a long time.
Oh yeah they do look very similar, hopefully the one my fish has will keep getting smaller. Thanks for the reply :)

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