Oh sorry matey, thats crappy, easily done with small kids I would think.
Yeah well I've planned new stocking with what I have left. Also those green neons she can pay for since some of the fish were actually from the 30L and I wanted to replace them anyway.
12 Harelquin Rasbora (Or Similar)
6 Black Phantom Tetra
1-3 Pearl Gouramis (Not sure if they want company?)
1-2 Angelfish (Same, not sure about company.)
1 Clown Pleco
1 Zebra Danio (Invincible straggler.)
4 Sterbai Cory (2 of them were killed, unfortunately the shop they came from closed and maidenhead don't ever seem to have them)
6 Panda Cory (My Mum wants these and Maidenhead have them)
2 Blue Rams (To replace the pair)
Yes I know it's highly stocked (is it too much?) but I have good filtration (like 8.4x ph) and 25% water changes one per week should do. Got two filters too, Juwel Internal and Fluval 104, more bio media which helps.
30l (Project Mossy):
10 Green Neons
1 Black Neon (Only survivor from his shoal, hopefully colourblind)
6 Ottos
Again I will back sure I have a big enough HOB filter (not sure if external would be possible) and 33-66% water changes a week should do.