Lucky they didn't...

As I already said, I am 30, and I bought my first betta (Amos) when I was 30. :)About 4 months ago, to be exact.

I saw Amos staring back at me out of his nasty little cup with ripped up fins on the shelf at WalMart one day at lunch when I was buying shampoo and stuff. I KNEW I had to have him right then.. He was a gorgeous plum color - unlike any of the other red or blue ones there. I had an empty 2.5G tank from hmm... something - carnival goldfish, I think... anyway - I brought him back and knew NOTHING about how to take care of him.

I got on the internet and read and read about how to take care of him and have been learning ever since. I felt HORRIBLE about buying him on a whim, but the very first day I had him I spent a good 4 or 5 hours just reading about bettas before even thinking about dumping him into that tank.

I would have to say to all of you who say you don't dare to approach someone in a fish store about their tank or fish - all you have to do is politely ask them if you can help them out as you keep fish yourself. The worst thing they can say is no. And... if you don't ask, you'll always wonder if you could have made a difference :) And, once you do it a time or two, you'll feel so much more confident in doing it and so it will sorta become second nature.

If you're in WAlMart, especially - there isn't anyone ever around there usually to even ask if they wanted to, so most folks appreciate you asking if they need help.
I'm old, and I know I do *not* know nearly enough about this hobby to pull off very muc without the help of some people who are *gasp* way younger than me :)
im only 15, and the alot of people around me are jerks. i stopped saying stuff to strangers when they told me they will get whatever they want, which made me feel like playing beatdown with them.
I hardly ever have anyone listen to me when I tell them something, or the usually will listen to me, then when they think I'm not looking they go and buy the damn fish I just told them would eat/kill/wouldn't fit. That's why I hope the fish die on them in gruesome ways, if that doesn't bug them maybe running out to buy fish again and again will turn them off.

Sorry, I'm in a bit of an 'I hate all people of the earth' mood right now, it should eventually die down here in a little. I hope.
NinjaSmurf said:
That's why I hope the fish die on them in gruesome ways, if that doesn't bug them maybe running out to buy fish again and again will turn them off.
i feel that way too. thats why i think fish shops with 2 day guarantees are better than ones with 14 day. if you waste like 5 dollars, you wouldnt want to waste another 5 dollars on something that you know will die. 14 day guarantee=free replacement fish.

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