Lucky Ole Me


New Member
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Stockport, United Kingdom
I recently started my Marine tank and initially added live sand and some rock I got from a closing down lfs. On Monday I ebayed for some more live rock and was managed to get some at £8 kilo.

When I got home - imagine my surprise when I see 2 hermits and large snail crawl/slither of the rock.

Then the next day I see a small, yellow lump. I look closer and its a small anenome.

I'll try to take pics later so someone can ID it.

Looks like my clean-up crew has got a kick-start :)
Hitchhikers are wonderful! Ive even heard of eels and an octopus! Congrats, sounds like youve already got your clean-up crew started! Wait a few days, and youll be surprised what kind of life youll notice! :good:
If you can pickup a couple more kilos of LR it could only benefit your tank. A good rule of thumb is 1kilo per every 2 gallons, so you'd ideally have 12kilos in your tank :good:

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