Lower Tank Dwellers


New Member
Jan 23, 2005
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Kent, England
My tank is 178L and is cycled, with 75% sand/25% gravel bed. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 1 mg/l, Nitrate 20mg/l & Ph 7.1. My tank's inhabitants are 6x zebra danios, 6x Golden Barbs, 4x Otocinclus vestitus, 2x armoured shrimps and 2x Dwarf Gouramis'. Its also well planted with wock caves large piece of bog wood (the armoured shrimp's home).

I've kept Kuhli Loaches many years ago and have been looking for some decent and healthy specimens to no avail. Can anyone suggest an alternative fish for the Kuhli???

Thanks, Harry
Is that nitrite reading 01 means your cycle isn't fully cycled.
Do you like the Yoyo loach? I've kept them in the past and they were really entertaining :)
Sorry made a typo should have read Nitrite 0 mg/l.

The Yoyo Loach looks great! Not seen any in my LFS I think its the same as a Pakistani Loach Anyone seen them for sale in South East UK?

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