Low Tech Plants And Rooty Wood


Fish Crazy
Sep 4, 2011
Reaction score
Item Wanted - Low tech plants, Crypts (mainly want these), Anubias, Hygrophillia, saggitaria, etc. (No other stem stuff like cabomba etc)

                         Piece of rooty wood, nice and cheap though dont want to pay £20 for a stick.
Condition Required - Ermm... Alive?
Price Limit - £10-ish
Picture or Link to Item
Location - Bristol, will travel to collect or pay postage if you have a large quantity, not worth posting single plants

Large quantitys of crypts and other easy to grow plants, no java fern unless its the smaller variety and no amazon sword, enough to densely plant a 140L tank
Also wouldnt mind a cheap piece of rooty wood!

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Nobody has any cuttings or plants they are clearing out? Need them asap for my rescape

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