Low Tech Home For Shrimp And Frogs

here are a few frog pics for you jenste


with a mouthful of brine shrimp


Awwwwww I love froggy pics!!!!!
How many do u have?
i've 5 of the little guys & girls, not sure how many of each 'cos they're still pretty young. i can see a couple starting to develop their PAS Gland, but i've not heard any singing yet. will be excited to hear them for the 1st time :)
Andy, I just thought I should mention if your frogs are gobbling up brine shrimp then they will more than likely eat your juvenile shrimp :( I don't feed my neons live foods but I still get the odd occasion where they chase a baby shrimp.
Yeh Steve. It was frozen brine shrimp rather than live, but I think the frogs will take a fair number of the shrimplets. They're not the best hunters to be honest, but I’m considering where I could add some moss to provide a bit more cover. I've also coved the filter intake with nylon netting, to make sure they don't get sucked in. The shrimp in the photo is still berried, so I’ll have to keep my fingers crossed. I think on of the others has either hatched or dropped her eggs, it's kinda hard to be sure though when they're hiding in the Hygrophila. I was meaning to ask though, the eggs were green rather than yellow, have you any idea what the difference is? If it comes to it I'll set up a shrimp only breeding tank, and introduce them when they're a bit larger, don't think it will though.

The eggs sometimes look a different colour but nothing to worry about, the darker they get the closer they are to hatching. You could add a Riccia pad or a moss wall area, I have Christmas Moss covering the entire back wall of my tank, it gives good cover with the larger leaves than Java Moss. I also have a huge lawn of Riccia which the shrimp love, before I re done it there was loads of shrimplets hiding in it lol. Anything with good solid cover will be good for the survival rate as they will wonder right under the noses of your frogs lol. I can usually see when mine have just hatched as they stay in a close group on the back wall and you can only really see tiny whits dots moving from time to time. Hope they do well fella, good luck.
i'm not sure if i left a comment in the end, but your new layout looks great. The bogwood and riccia really give the scape much more depth. i'm off to have another look at the moss walls in the parc. :)
Thanks Andy, no one really comments on my journal lol, its been quite quiet lol. Liking yours tho, really coming along, esp with the addition of the wood.
1st baby shrimp! i've spotted at least 3, she didn't drop the eggs then!
There were 3 shrimp carrying eggs, now only 2. i think it's the one carrying the green eggs has given birth. I'll put up some pics or a video later.
Here's one of the little ones on a Hygrophila guanensis leaf. I found a couple swimming in the external filter so put them in a small vase while i find a sparging bag, from my beer making gear, that's got a finer weave to cover the intake.

baby shrimp - web.jpg

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