Low Light Tall Plants


Mostly New Member
Jul 25, 2014
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I've got the 6 gallon fluval edge and as you all may or may not know, the corners of the tank get very little light. I would like to fill the corners in with tall, low light plants, preferably plants that look like grass, or bushy looking (I'm going for the jungle look). And no, I don't need anymore anubias - I've got too many! Any suggestions?
Vallis and elodea springs to mind, they should be ok in low light tanks.
The six gal edge is a small tank so tall plants not really required, perhaps crypts or java ferns may be more suitable?
The 6 gallon is only 8.75 inches tall so you're right Charlie. I'm going to stick to midground plants so I'm leaning towards different types of crypts. I don't mind pruning often either so I'll look at a few stems.
Thanks for the advice everyone!
Some smaller val would be nice and don't require a lot of light! :)
I have corkscrew val in a 10 and it fills the back up nicely. You should get some. 
I'd personally be looking at the vallis options for grass like plants, once it's settled it'll look after itself mostly and I've not found it suffering too badly in corners where the lack of flow can make the bushier plants algae up.
Some of the hygrophilas would also do well for bushy growth.
Otherwise yes, crypts come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and would do well in the corners.
See if you can buy a big Crypt like this, Excluding the roots that plant is about 20 cm tall

I have vallisnera growing really well in my axolotl tank. It is very dimly lit as axies find bright light quite stressful. It is also really cold water and the val is doing really well - not bothered by these conditions at all.

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