Loving It


New Member
Aug 14, 2011
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Hi All

About two months ago i purchased a juwel 180 tank and decided to keep malawi cichlids. I am very new to keeping fish and thought it be best if i joined a forum for advice. At the moment everything seems to be going well. My water is doing well and the fish seem very happy. I have plenty of of white rock and a curtain bubbler in there at the moment and i have 12 cichlids all quite small still though. I just wondered if this sounds ok, i keep testing my water and do a 20 percent change every week. As i said everything seems good and am loving keeping fish and cant remamber the last time i watched tv instead of staring at my tank lol..

Any advice is always welcome and i look forward to learning from you guys.

Thanks in advance from me and my fish.
The only thing I would suggest (because I'm all about prevention) would be to increase the % of water change each week to about 50%. You really can't go wrong with this. There are people that don't do large weekly water changes but you have to have a combination of, or all of the following: over-abundant filtration, a planted tank, not many fish. That's just my opinion anyway, you obviously have to find a maintenance routine that works for you.

Good luck and welcome to the fourm :)
Welcome Miller! I'm new too and as a former telly addict, I find myself staring at the fish instead of the box these days! :nod:
hi miller and welcome to the forum! all sounds good to me! glad you are enjoying it!

L :hi:
Thanks for the welcome guys after alot of head scratchin just managed to put some pictures in the members aquarium pictures section hope it looks ok. Again any comments are welcome. (I have a feeling there will be some along the lines of get rid of the tacky ruins lol)

Thanks again.
welcome to the site if im not watching my fish im on here learning more about fish even reading threads about fish i dont have just to increase my knowledge this site is a god send and the people on here are amazing youll get great help.

ps +1 on the increased water changes ive just increased mine after some advice and my tank is looking and doing much better since ive uped to about 50% a week
I'm obsessed about my tank as well. It's really calming to watch the fish hee.

My family says I "spy" on them too much :drool:

Great to hear you're having fun! :good:
Yeah i agree,its so much better to sit down and watch my fish rather than tv (or the idiot box!),even if i do watch something on tv....i find myself watching the fish instead!.Good on you Miller.............looks like your going about things the right way.Nice one.
Welcome mate

You will need to do a 30-50% water change per week with this set up mate, as I'm assuming you will not be having any plants in there seeing as the cichlids will more than likely destroy, dig up, eat or all of the above.

If you tank was heavily planted on a low tech set up, you can go for months without changes as the plants do all the work,

Keep up to w.changes and youl be laughing.

Well done for the rocks By the way :good:

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