Lots Of Problems


Fish Crazy
Jul 7, 2006
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Okay my first problem is that whilst cleaning my tank the water goes pretty cold although the heater is still on.
Second problem the algae on the glass is stuck tight and my plec cant get it off and ive tried with an algae scraper but it wont budge. What do you guys use? I never hear of anyone talking about problems like these.

Third problem every time i put the gravel vac or the algae scraper in the tank my bala sharks go nuts and try to jump out.

And last but not least my filter. Its a fluval 4 plus internal and i cant open it. There is nothing to grip onto and its very difficult to open and clean. My mother thinks the previous owner has broken the bit where you grip to pull the sponges out. Does anyone have this problem with this exact filter?
Okay my first problem is that whilst cleaning my tank the water goes pretty cold although the heater is still on.
Second problem the algae on the glass is stuck tight and my plec cant get it off and ive tried with an algae scraper but it wont budge. What do you guys use? I never hear of anyone talking about problems like these.

Third problem every time i put the gravel vac or the algae scraper in the tank my bala sharks go nuts and try to jump out.

And last but not least my filter. Its a fluval 4 plus internal and i cant open it. There is nothing to grip onto and its very difficult to open and clean. My mother thinks the previous owner has broken the bit where you grip to pull the sponges out. Does anyone have this problem with this exact filter?

Dont do too mcuh of a water change so that the temp changes too much. Use a scouring pad or a credit card if your tank is made of glass. With the fluval try harder they are a bugger to open in my experience.
Bala's scare very easily. If im watching tv and move to fast for my beer on the end table, they will jolt across the tank. Thats just how they are. Mine freak too when i clean the tank but I try to clean the best I can, only with the small lid flipped open. It's in two halves so i leave the one sides flap down whilst i clean the one side. and then just close that side while i clean the other. I can get 99% of the tank and the bala's actually get curious after awhile of the vac being in there. it's almost like they come up and say hi and see if it will say hi back :p . I love my bala's, just need to respect the fact that they will get scared at the smallest thing. Just always leave your cover on.
Second problem the algae on the glass is stuck tight and my plec cant get it off and ive tried with an algae scraper but it wont budge. What do you guys use? I never hear of anyone talking about problems like these.

I had algae in my tank like that before, very coarse, and stuck fast to the glass - and nothing shifted it. Only way I found to get rid of it was to place the tank in the dark (use a blanket or something) for about 7 - 10 days
If i put a blanket over my tank my fish will crap themselves. I though it would be bad for them if i keep the lights off even for one day.
the fluval 4+ internal is a bugger to open, the previosu owner hadn't broken anything it's just rubbish!!

just have to keep trying and wriggling it it'll come free eventually. :/

is it green spot algae (composed of teeny tiny green spots) cos that can be a right bugger to shift. Just keep scrubbing, bit of regular elbow grease will shift it!

the fish would probably be happier with the lights off. Generally speaking they prefer to be in the dark, aquairum lights are for plant growth and our viewing. If I'm acclimitising fish or doing anything that might stress them I turn the tank lights out.

If the algae is really hard to shift, you can use a paint scraper - one of the one's that take stanley knife blades are good - just be very careful of inquisitive fish and VERY VERY careful at the edges near your silicone.
Second problem the algae on the glass is stuck tight and my plec cant get it off and ive tried with an algae scraper but it wont budge. What do you guys use? I never hear of anyone talking about problems like these.

I use a 'mag float' to clean my glass and its bloody marvellous :good:
I use a steel razor blade for the glass. The Wilkinson sword blade comes without any chemicals and is very handy. You just have to be a bit careful not to scratch the glass- and not to slice your fingers in half, evidently.

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