lots of pics of my ENDLERS

lol i saw them once, they were more expensive than fancy guppies, also they were rare too! -_- only seen em once :/

btw the endlers are VERY nice, nice buy! :fun:
great fish...i paid £5 for a pair from TriMar...went to my LFS yesterday and they have them in for 99p each :X they have never had them in before and even said they wouldn't! i was not a happy bunny ;)
Wow thery are so much better looking than Guppies.

They have some near me.

But a NONO with bettas.
Really? They'll pester the bettas or the other way around?

I saw a 5 gall display at the shop where I got the endlers that had 2 endlers with 2 cories and a betta. :blink:
aww i want endlers :wub:
do u have any other fish in with them? if so what kind? I have a 15 gallon with 2 platy's and a female betta, but if bettas dont go too well with them then i can easily move her :)
Endlers are very small, so their tank mates must also be either very small, or very peaceful. I keep the endlers with a honey gourami, 2 cories, and 3 ember tetras. The Ember tetras are about the same size as the endlers.

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