Lots Of Fish For Sale, Some Rare Types Also Available

hi im looking for 13pounds for the plecs each ellejay.
they are about i would say 2.5inches

fishyfeet i have i think 10 left yes, i also have golden ones at 1pound each tthe same size. if interested
i have pm'd you also
i have 2 adult pairs of tigers left. tbh mate it is a very rare occurence dying in the post and when it does happen it is usually sensitive fish. Guppies/endlers are very good in the post and i have never had any die before and have sent and recieved alot of fish dozens of times before.
[/quote]Doesn't seem to be alot of interest on here for fish, theres alot of lovely fish here everyone.

maybe if you just gave rough idea of what sort of price you want for the fish,you might get more interest
Hi sorry to mess you about, can't take the pleco, the man wife (to steal coldcazzies term) says no more fish :(
how many have you got, can i have 10
please respond to pm so i know wharts going on

very disappointed tbh at the lack of interest and everybody so far who says they will take fish end up letting me down, not sold one fish on here yet.
i hope there will be, as there are alot of good fish here that ive cared for and looked after for a long time.
a lot of people don't like making offers, to be honest if theres not a price up i don't even bother asking :/
Interested in the 6 blockhead cichlids,can u email me please chris.4u@virgin.net
How does posting work, is it safe?
Sorry if thats a silly question

Are the Apistogramma Cacatoides still available?

Once my tank issues are sorted and I am cycled I will be very interested in them. Would put a deposit down for you to hold them. PM me for contact details
How does posting work, is it safe?
Sorry if thats a silly question


hi yes posting is fine and i have very rarely ever lost a fish, as long as it is done properly and properly packaged they are fine

sorry apistos have been sold elsewhere mate

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