Lots Of Eggs, But Not Been Cared For?


Fish Herder
Mar 18, 2008
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i bought a breeding trio about 3 weeks ago, i just went on holiday for a week and when i came back there were eggs everywhere, 50 or more but they are in the corners and not been cared for by the male, some are moldy but some look fresh and orange, what could be going on?
In your signature, delete that link it aint working..

replace it with this...

http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9672/myaquarium42btr6.jpg[***/img] [b]Take out the 3 ***[/b]

Was the eggs just scattered or have they spawned in a cave or summat?
Just replied to your other thread. I don't think they're bristlenose eggs since they would breed in a cave instead. I think these eggs might've been spread by your angel.
hi there, sorry i'm not sure which to reply on, lol. No there is just the breeding trio in there. the eggs are just laying in the corners of the breeding tub, some have gone moldy others look fresh, i don't think they'v been fertilised...but why not?
male will have kicked the eggs for numerous things and them been scattered every will be a result of the current in the water moveing them about and fish eating them.

if they are yellow in colour they are fertile.

reason they are going mouldy is its fungus attacking them as the male is supose to be fannying fresh water over them to prevent this


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