Lost remote

I can only imagine what the OP being a new member is thinking reading through this 🤣
@Colin_T could really get a head in the battle against cyber crime. It appears he has the chops to deal with it.

I have lights I need my smartphone to run. I'm always afraid some scumball hiding in the bushes is going to take control and make me pay a ransom to stop the algae.

OP- you know when you order that remote, which will be overpriced, that you will find the missing device immediately.
The little devil :devil:
That stinks. I suggest you look in the bottom of his diaper pail. :fartonyou:
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I long for the days when I was a wee lad in a small University town in rural Missouri. We never, and I mean never, locked our doors. The worst that might happen is a friend might stop by, put on some tunes, and grab a beer from the fridge.
I long for the days when I was a wee lad in a small University town in rural Missouri. We never, and I mean never, locked our doors. The worst that might happen is a friend might stop by, put on some tunes, and grab a beer from the fridge.
It was like that in Perth in the 70s. Leave the house unlocked while you go to work or shopping. Come home and everything still there. Then one day we came home and some scumbag had entered and stolen a heap of stuff and trashed the place. From then on we locked up every time we went out. Now I have to lock the doors when I got for a walk to the park over the road.

We used to leave the keys in the car's ignition while at the beach. Can't do that anymore. We can't even leave clothing in the car or they break the window and steal the clothes.
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I can still leave the door unlocked, but never the computer unprotected. I think it all depends on how much addictive drug use is around you, and how much toxic individualism. I lived in one neighbourhood where you were always on the alert, as the street crime scene was always out hunting, but that's been the exception.

I lock doors from habit, but my house doesn't have neighbours right close next door (a first for this urban creature that I am) and if someone wanted in, breaking in would be very easy anyway.

Online is a different story. The mods will know how persistent those mainly Russian hacking companies are, and in that wide world, you are always a potential target.

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