Can you post water stats please in ammonia, niitrite, nitrate,and ph.
Can you describe the mottled colour in more detail please.
Do the gills also look mottled.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing?
Hi Wilder, cheers for reply. Havent tested water as been in studio all day working. Currently dont have any testers will try get some tomoz. No signs of rubbing and tank and other populants seem Perfect.
But Any way just got in and he had passed as well. All the other clowns seem perfect full colour shoaling and clowning around now, so maybe it was loosing one had rearannged the pecking order so they were hiding.
will keep you updated, I if you look in the pic he didnt just go dull but mottled which is normally a sign of bad water when keeping clowns but it seems to have been just these two.
Bloody gutting though as been keeping clowns for a long long time now and never had issue like this before.
cheers again bud
To me they look starved and frightened. Clowns need plenty of hiding places. plenty of plant life and more substrate on the tank bottom than you presently have. They also like a strong current and a large shoal.
I thing may be they are so frightened that they are not eating.
They are hiding behind the heaters as they have nowhere else to hide, the more they can hide the more they come out.
Get some caves in there and some plant life.
Can I ask, do you keep a large clown loach shoal.
Look in pic of tank there is 9 clowns altogether (all large except for the smaller healthy looking one pictured for comparison against the poorly one) but you cant see them as they are hiding in the hidey holes. Its a 6 foot tank the wood is very large and hollow so lots of places for them, and plants and large clowns have never worked for me lol.
how do they looked starved and frightened though explain.
and finally it was the hiding that was the strange behaviour for my clowns as they have always been in a large and over active shoal and a joy to watch not hiding.