One of my plecs died. I noticed the water looked a bit off on Friday night so Saturday morning I cleaned the tank, took out about 30% - and there, under one of the rocks that holds the branch down was one of my plecs, he'd obviously jammed himself under a bit and then died - hence the no-floating-on-the-top-looking-dead thing.
Wonder how long he'd been dead?? Trouble is with plecs, they are quite often hanging about on the bottom under rocks or wood, not moving. I wonder why he died? didn't seem to be anything wrong when I looked at him. The other four look fine and don't appear to be acting strangely.
I don't expect you to solve this, I was really just wondering out loud what could have happened.
Wonder how long he'd been dead?? Trouble is with plecs, they are quite often hanging about on the bottom under rocks or wood, not moving. I wonder why he died? didn't seem to be anything wrong when I looked at him. The other four look fine and don't appear to be acting strangely.
I don't expect you to solve this, I was really just wondering out loud what could have happened.