Lost a Danio outta nowhere...

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Fish Fanatic
Feb 28, 2003
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I was doing my usual bedtime feeding for the fish when I came to my 10gal and saw my biggest Danio dead on the gravel! :( This shocked me cause it is out of nowhere! He was fine and healthy looking earlier today. :/ When I took him out I got a closer look and his stomach was all bloated (?) and had red spots on it. I cant remember the name, but this sounds like some kinda illness I read about someplace. :unsure: Does it sound like it is? And if so, is it contagious and how will I know if my other fish are all right? :( There are 4 more danios, 2 female bettas and 3 corys in the tank. Is there a precautionary step i can take with some kind of meds?? Please help me out cause these are my favorite fish! Purty little things an smart too!(the bettas an corys) :wub:

Firstly, sorry for the loss. It's never nice to lose a fish. :(

Can you post tank stats (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate etc), have you changed / added anything recently, how long has the Danio been in the tank.....

The more info you can give the easier it's gonna be for people to try and help, ie if water parameters are ok then maybe we need to look at some other form of problem (maybe bacterial).

With the symptons you have given there are a couple of things it could poss be but like I said without a bit more info I wouldn't want to just take a shot in the dark.

Let us know the above and we can go from there....

HTH..... :)

Sorry its been a while!!! I actually left for Las Vegas the day after I posted this and never got a chance to check the reply. I was gonna and relay the message to my fish-sitter, but obviously it didnt happen. :S I've been watching and no one is dead or seeming ill, so maybe everybody else is alright? Its been over 2 weeks now, thats a safe time right? :/ I think the disease Im thinkin of was dropsy...is that right? BTW my tank stats were all good last i checked. Out of testers right now, so not completely sure. :X Also, thanx for tryin to help me out! ;) :thumbs:
I've heard of a kind of disease fish get but they dont really show any effect and the next thing u no, there dead. but it usually does have something to do withtoo much food.

Im pretty sure i am not over feeding. Just what they can eat in 3 mins. Could be it ate its share plus someone else's?? :unsure: Do you kno what that disease u mentioned is called.? I'd like to research it if'n you do. Thanx :thumbs:
This may be a case of MFD

Mysterious Fishy Death

It is inevitable that some will die. I always test the water after I find a dead fishy and everything is usually fine, it isn't always something that you can put a blame on.

Sorry to hear that you lost a fish though. Just keep an eye on the water parameters for a few days and make sure nothing is awry

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