Lost 25 Fish


New Member
Mar 11, 2006
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i have lost 25 fish in the last 3 days in my juwel trigon 190 tank it has been set up for about 1 month using water and filter sponges from my juwel rio 125 which was set up for 18 months water stats have been fine ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 5 ph 7.6 using liquid tests and still are i had some new penquin tetras about a week ago so i think these must of passed a infection on to my fish i have used king british ws3 white spot terminator and added some melafix i have taken the carbon filter out of the juwel filter and raised temp to 28c it is all my small fish which has died all different tetras and 2 panda corys so i have left 5 blind cave tetras 1 pearl gourami, 3 corys 1 clown plec and 1 queen arabesque plec when they die the fish seem to be twiching then just go on there side and then die the fish are not at the top gasping for air just swimming around i use a juwel air diffuser so plenty of oxygen in water i not sure white spot looks like sois it ok to have put in ws3 ? i'm well gutted about this and welcome any comments ,suggestions thanks :angry:
Could be that those new fish brought something bad with it. Should try getting a antibacterial med into the tank. Not sure what you have available to you, but something like maracyn 1 & 2 if you can get it.
god i feel really sorry for u, u had some expensive fish! i dont know why they have died. but white spot i find u dont notice on fish unless u dont catch it in time. the fish tend to itch themselves on the gravel. stones and plants u would have noticed this if they had it. if its left too late apparently it can suffercate them. maybe thats what happend? im not a fish expert its just my opinion ;)
Whitespot looks like they have been sprinkled in salt.
If there flicking and no visable symtoms it can be flukes.
hi every time my fish have had something rong with them i have taken them out of tank and put them in water with some salt
you should try it if they look like they are dieing and if you have bought fish with ing the last week and alot of your fish have died take them back to the fish place and they will refund your money
^^ althogh it is best to identify the problem first as some fish will not tolerate salt as they are scaleless
i have now lost my queen arabesque plec and 2 blind cave tetras just put in antispot treatment after waiting another 48 hours i still can't see any white spots on fish what do flukes look like ?
i have now lost my queen arabesque plec and 2 blind cave tetras just put in antispot treatment after waiting another 48 hours i still can't see any white spots on fish what do flukes look like ?

the plec probably died due to the salt and i think tetras are sensitive to it too, sorry for your losses
i have now lost my queen arabesque plec and 2 blind cave tetras just put in antispot treatment after waiting another 48 hours i still can't see any white spots on fish what do flukes look like ?

the plec probably died due to the salt and i think tetras are sensitive to it too, sorry for your losses
hi i have'nt put any salt in tank went to my lfs wed checked my water stats all ok apart from nitrite which read 1 so shop gave me king british safe water which removes ammonia and nitrites which i need to put in tank for the next 5 days and only feed every other day they adviced ,i have 1 red eye tetra left 3 corys and 1 guorami, i took a dead fish to the lfs said hav'nt got white spot but on rear of fish the blood vessels are very red which indacates stress but he said nitrites of 1 is bad but not critical thanks for all your advice and kind words
I think King British Safewater is only a dechlorinator. That would do absolutely nothing to remove Ammonia and Nitrites. You need regular partial water changes to do that. Please don't add any other medications to the water until we know what we're dealing with. What are your water stats right now?.
I think King British Safewater is only a dechlorinator. That would do absolutely nothing to remove Ammonia and Nitrites. You need regular partial water changes to do that. Please don't add any other medications to the water until we know what we're dealing with. What are your water stats right now?.
no i thought the same about being a dechlorinator but on bottle says removes harmful ammonia and nitrite and boosts processing power of a biological filters
with my liquid water test kit ammonia 0 nitrite 0.25 nitrate 5 ph 7.8
sorry i thought you'd added the salt, i think regular water changes should help bring the levels down :good:

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