Lost 2 Fish!


New Member
Dec 29, 2008
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just found a 1" bristlenose dead & a 3" rubbernose also dead
no visable signs/marks
all water stats spot on
temp 25C
ph 7.8
260L tank
other tank mates 5 gold barbs 10 tiger barbs - 1 x 4" L288 (brazilian tiger) 1 x 2" rubbernose & 1 1" bristlenose
plenty of bogwood/rock caves etc
sand as substrate

any idea's?
do you quarentine, i dont so when i lost my fish i put it down to internal parisites or sometype of bad bacterial infection, if theyre arent any signs then could be parisites or old age, not for the 1"plec of course
do you quarentine, i dont so when i lost my fish i put it down to internal parisites or sometype of bad bacterial infection, if theyre arent any signs then could be parisites or old age, not for the 1"plec of course

yep they quarentined for 2 weeks had them 3ish
could you post water params?

and it helps to Quarantine for 4 weeks to be sure ;)

Ammo 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 20ppm
ph 7.8
temp 25c

also using 1 x over sized external filter and 1 corner bubble filter(used to maintain hospital/quarentine tank)

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