The group of fishies I got from Nashnut hasn't been the healthiest (I don't blame you!). over the last month and a half, we've lost three. Falsey went first... Then the one I gave to my boyfriend (he took very good care of him) died last week. He only has two fish, as opposed to my 15-some... So he was rather depressed about the issue. All he has left is his one balloon molly now, and I hate to break it to him that they don't have a very long life expectancy. I woke up today to find my Ronoldo dead, another oen fo my nashnut babies. ;_;I'm going to re-arrange tanks this week, and get rid of my one divided tank, and start a low dosage of bettafix on Spunky, because he shared the same water as Ronoldo... It's just a precaution. I'm rather bummed about all this, because they keep dying suddenly. No signs of illness, which makes the whole issue even more worrysome. I'm not sure if they have some genetic issue, or if it's something I'm doing... It's only the ones from Nashnut, all my other guys are fine. At the moment, the other three I have from nashnut are all fine and dandy, but I'm obviously a little concerned.
Has anyone else who recieved fish from nashnut this past summer had problems with them? I know they were an unpredictable litter, but this is really boggling my mind. They're not too old, and they seem to be going the same way... I'm not sure what is causing it. It might just be really bad luck on my part... Once again, I don't blame nashnut... It very well might just be luck, or maybe some genetic issue that could not be forseen.
Has anyone else who recieved fish from nashnut this past summer had problems with them? I know they were an unpredictable litter, but this is really boggling my mind. They're not too old, and they seem to be going the same way... I'm not sure what is causing it. It might just be really bad luck on my part... Once again, I don't blame nashnut... It very well might just be luck, or maybe some genetic issue that could not be forseen.