Losing Fish


New Member
Mar 24, 2012
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hi can anybody shed a bit of light why i'm losing fish???.
cycled my 120l tank 3 months ago/api test kit shows everything at zero, tested today.
i do a 25% water change everyweek clean the filter in used water, from the tank// refil with a prime type conditioner...
i have stopped useing bloodworm now back on flakes........... as for the dead fish theres nothing visible ie dropsy ect

regards alan
From what you say everything sounds good. What fish have you got in the tank? Is there maybe an aggressive fish that could be killing others? Just a thought.
How many fish do you have in the tank. Fish types.

Ho do you clean the filter?
As you should only rinse one sponge at a time in old tank water, once they looked mucked up.

Can you post your water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Any symtoms to go on.
Looking pale.
Excess mucas on body or fins.
Turning upside down.
Looking bloated or thin.
Cloudy grey, or white area's on the fish.
Any red streaking on fins or body.
Any fish acting lethagic.
all my stats are ok tested with a api test kit, lost more fish today treated with a general tonic from the lfs completly baffled!!!!
my tank has low odour catlitter topped with clean play sand i wonder if the catlitter is causing a toxic bubble???
if i lose all the fish. i will start again from scratch do i have to ditch all the living plants ect????

very sad today regards alan
Which cat litter is it? Some of them are toxic, so yes that could be the problem. It's the low dust cat litter from Tesco that is safe to use, the one in a pinkish bag. Have you still got the bag of the cat litter? What are the ingredients?

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