Losing Corydoras


Fish Herder
Aug 29, 2011
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i originally slowly stocked my Tank 1 with 6x Panda cory's...ended up losing them one by one, with no obvious reasons.

Once i lost all of them. i decided to go for a slightly bigger corydora, so went with some Peppered ones that were slightly bigger. The LFS told me that pandas are very small and rarely do well in new tanks?

I first bought 4 peppers and they seemed to be doing ok, i actually saw them eating...more than i did with the pandas.
A few days ago i added 2 more to take numbers up to 6. Next morning 1 had died (unsure if one of the original 4 or the new 2).
I feed 6/7 days a week pinch of flake or Dalphina or 1/2 block of b.worm. and 4 small round wafers for the corys.

Water stats are (yesterday)

Amm = 0
Ni = 0
Na = 40 (did 50% w/c)
ph = 7.2

I did let them float for ages in the bag, and slowly added amounts of tap water. to acclimatise them.

I love corys...they are so cute..just dunno what im doing wrong? any ideas?
If it was one of the new two, it may have been sick when you bought it. You may just be having a bad run with fish :( Your water stats look great so that is a good thing, so I am highly doubtful that its something you are doing. I had this problem with bettas when I first started getting into bettas. Had 3 die one right after the other within two weeks of buying them.
I did let them float for ages in the bag, and slowly added amounts of tap water. to acclimatise them.

Some things I'm going to assume you have done.

1) You have cycled your tank which I guess you have from the readings?
2) You don't actually mean tap water..

Water stats are (yesterday)

Amm = 0
Ni = 0
Na = 40 (did 50% w/c)
ph = 7.2

I did let them float for ages in the bag, and slowly added amounts of tap water. to acclimatise them.

I love corys...they are so cute..just dunno what im doing wrong? any ideas?
nitrates are a tad high, other than that your water stats are perfect.

was the tap water dechlorinated, or straight from the tap - the chlorine might have stressed and caused damage to the cories?

If it was one of the new two, it may have been sick when you bought it. You may just be having a bad run with fish :( Your water stats look great so that is a good thing, so I am highly doubtful that its something you are doing. I had this problem with bettas when I first started getting into bettas. Had 3 die one right after the other within two weeks of buying them.
i agree^^
platies are usually considered as fairly easy to keep fish, but ive not had luck with them because they would always stop eating for no apparent reason - even garlic couldnt tempt them. only after my 3rd attempt did they survive and breed - 3rd time lucky i guess ;)
its probably not something that you are doing - maybe they dont like the water quality or you just had a bad streak of luck with disease.
we need a bit more info about your tank, other fish and any other products you use, in order to diagnose and understand the situation more fully.

i hope everything works out okay - its hard when something like this happens repeatedly :/
apologees yes....i meant TANK water... not Tap.

in the said tank are also 5x Platys (had from the start) 6x Cardinal Tetra (had for a couple of months)
I use Prime for Declor (hard to measure out ammount for a 66L tank though) weekly 50% w/c and good sand vac.
No meds in there for a month or so..but i added Myxazin today for a platy with mouth rot. That was AFTER the pepper died.

I test water daily..as still cycling a tank. (last of 4 tanks)

This peticular tank (if you see in my sig links) i abandoned the cycle at day 50 odd. original bioload was fine for the filter..had 1 small mini cycle, but over in 2 days...water has been fine since.

water stats from the tap are 0.....0.....0....7.4 so water "should be fine"

I ALWAYS usually net them out the LFS's bag after climatising as i have found amm and Ni in there before...this was the first time i tipped the bag to introduce them.

I also on the same day lost a platy from my sons tank (bought on the same day) others are doing fine though.


Water stats are (yesterday)

Amm = 0
Ni = 0
Na = 40 (did 50% w/c)
ph = 7.2

I did let them float for ages in the bag, and slowly added amounts of tap water. to acclimatise them.

I love corys...they are so cute..just dunno what im doing wrong? any ideas?
nitrates are a tad high, other than that your water stats are perfect.

was the tap water dechlorinated, or straight from the tap - the chlorine might have stressed and caused damage to the cories?

If it was one of the new two, it may have been sick when you bought it. You may just be having a bad run with fish :( Your water stats look great so that is a good thing, so I am highly doubtful that its something you are doing. I had this problem with bettas when I first started getting into bettas. Had 3 die one right after the other within two weeks of buying them.
i agree^^
platies are usually considered as fairly easy to keep fish, but ive not had luck with them because they would always stop eating for no apparent reason - even garlic couldnt tempt them. only after my 3rd attempt did they survive and breed - 3rd time lucky i guess ;)
its probably not something that you are doing - maybe they dont like the water quality or you just had a bad streak of luck with disease.
we need a bit more info about your tank, other fish and any other products you use, in order to diagnose and understand the situation more fully.

i hope everything works out okay - its hard when something like this happens repeatedly :/

this is why i did the w/c ...was on w/c day anyway.
1) You have cycled your tank which I guess you have from the readings?

*Takes cover*

Don't ask Hayz about cycling her tanks, for gawd's sake.......
Hey you!

Ill negate most of the above as i know you know what your doing in terms of water quality/testing/acclimating

I do have a little info on the Pand's thought. I've had about 14 now, of which i have 8 left. One died in trasit from the LFS, the others in the tank. I've really struggles with fungus and fin rot in their tails, and anything small like that seems to litteraly stress them to death. I picked one out the other day that apart from having cloud eye from sitting dead in the water for a few hours, looked fine.

I've found that when they're going to kick the bucket they go very pale (they fade from their normal pinky colour) and two or three days later, theyre gone.

It seems like you just have to buy morethan you need with Panda's, and hope the rest survive. When ive added new (always a slightly different size) its always one of the newest that goes, almost like survival of the fittest. You do have to pay really close attention to the tank floor though, theyre very suceptible to just kicking the bucket when the floor gets messy, but again, i know you keep up your tank maint.

I dont think your doing anything wrong, its "one of those things".
try and get your fish from another store and see if they live, if they do, then it was the store you got them from that has the problem. Shops move fish in and out so fast they rarely see any problems.
1) You have cycled your tank which I guess you have from the readings?

*Takes cover*

Don't ask Hayz about cycling her tanks, for gawd's sake.......
:rofl: arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Thanks Mowbz...i will bare that in mind..unfortuanatly i lost all my panda's...i now have peppers...lost one of them now as well. :( they are alot bigger than the pandas, thought they were just too small to survive in a newly cycled tank...I hope these make it xxx

we only have 2 LFS.....i buy bit and bobs from both...the pandas were made up from both shops. Yes its weird how they just keel over and die?!! poor things :(
Hi Hayz, how much dechlorinator do you put in the tank, as I have noticed my cories are very sensitive if I accidentally overdose. Also, what is the temperature?
I think that depends. I fill my tank from the tap and ALWAYS overdose a bit. Never had a problem with my cories.
Once I dosed the tank with Api stress coat as per the bigger dose stated on the bottle to "promote slime coat and stuff and my cories went nuts. They immediately started swimming rapidly, bumping at each other trying to reach the surface and it seemed like they lost balance and couldn't swim properly. I got quite scared as this happened in the matter of minutes. I hadn't even wiped the outside of the glass from changing the water yet. I changed 70% of the water straight away again and dosed with normal dose Api tap safe instead and they recovered.
It's easy to overdose too with highly concentrated dechlors as a couple of more drops in the bucket is overdosing.
Still, I don't think overdosing dechlor can kill them, but if done regularly maybe the build up of chemicals is too much :/
I think it mbe API stress coat then. I use prime and never had an issue. But i have ammonia in my tap water so I need to use prime
Try wearing one of these HayzH


I have decided your face scares them to death coz i cant think of anything else. :D

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