Losing Corydoras

Try wearing one of these HayzH


I have decided your face scares them to death coz i cant think of anything else. :D

:eek: Tizer!!

HayzH Pandas are very sensitive, i personally have had loads of cories with no issues yet i always loose Pandas within days, i lost a group of 12 in 4 days and they were healthy and eating :/
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Tizer you mean OLD grumpy man!! OOoooo if you were in reach you'd get a good slap! :D

Babe keeping you awake is it? awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I had exactly the same problem id buy a few corys to keep up my number to 8 then one by one they would die with no obvious symptoms. I asked my LFS advice and they said only have the light on for a couple of hours in the evening. Apparently leaving the light on all day as I previously did wasn't good for them because it encourages algae and they get the brunt of it as they live at the bottom. I have no idea if that's right or not but I now only have the light on in her evening and all my Cory's are doing well.

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