Looks like I'm going to be buying pantyhose..


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
Reaction score
Argh. So, my betta Lug has been doing really great now that he's gained weight. He still has a deformed gill and back, and is very runty and small, but he's been reasonably healthy.
Then today, I see him with his tail stuck in the filter. -_- I unplugged it so he could swim away. This has never happened before in the tank, so I do hope he's not getting sick and thus weaker than usual.
So, this pantyhose thing.... does it work? Won't the pantyhose just get suctioned tight to the filter, and then his fins will get suctioned to pantyhose AND the filter? Do I need to worry about chemicals on the pantyhose from cleaners used in the store? Is any one brand stronger than the others?
Never had this problem before so I'm at a bit of a loss. Fellow panty-hosers, please give input.
:unsure: I've been thinking about using a wad of floss to cover up the intake area of the filter. It would still filter the water, but nothing could really get thru it. Just change it frequently.
Everyone told me to just go get a new pair of hose, and then cut the foot off. Then, rinse them off good with dechlorinated water, put them over the intake tube and secure them across the top w/a rubber band.

He might still get stuck to the filter intake tube, BUT this way his fins won't get sucked in and ripped off.

Good luck! :)

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