Looks like ich

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Apr 26, 2005
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Kenowhere WI
So I was taking pictures of Fozzy and noticed a small sprinkling of white stuff on him, it looks like it could be ich, but I'm not sure, I have a picture it's kind of large so you can see the detail, if it is, what's the best way to go about treating it? he's in a 3-ish gallon tank no heater.

http://photobucket.com/albums/y295/bizzydesigner/fozzy/ click the link to see the pics. of him.
Here's a picture of a fish that looks very similar to him that had ick.

I'm not positive if that's ick on your boy - it looks more like a skin peel to me. hmmmm
See what you think compared to Blue up there.
Hmmm, interesting.. that doesn't really look much like him at all... and he doesn't show any signs on being lethargic or anything, he zips around, flaring at the mirror, eating quite fiestily and promptly. -- maybe it's nothing? should I add salt or something?
It looks like a skin irritation from some disease to me, but I could be wrong.
Do you have more pictures of him?
I used QuickCure when mine came down with Ich. Had very good results for MOST of my Bettas with that treatment (signs of ich gone within three days in combination with salt at room temperature).

Salt can be administered at a dosage of 1/2 teaspoon per gallon, and should be. Also, raise the temp to a range of 82-84 degrees for faster results. Continue to treat ever after the white spots are gone for a full treatment of a week. If they appear again, then resume treatment.
I have now successfully cured ich with heat and salt. I just cleared it up in my betta girls. It has been only 1 day with no spots, but the spots disappeared in 3 days. My temp was up to 87(risky for bettas I know, but I monitored very closely). I used a lot of salt. probably about 3-4TBS per 5G. I have read that to kill ich with salt, you need more than the package recommends. Again I montiored the fish very closely. There were no signs of stress. They swam and ate normally. I will not use meds again unless it is totally necessary, i.e. the salt method does not work.

Most of the pictures don't look like ich, but the sixth picture is pretty clear, and it does look like ich to me. Or possibly velvet, but I have never seen velvet in person. The spots do look a little yellow. I have seen yellow ich before though.
alright, I've treated, i changed his water, to pristine clean water salt, and a little extra salt, stress coat, and a heater set at about 82. hopefully whatever it will be gone soon and leave my foor fozzie alone! dagnabbit.

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