Fish Addict
As the title implies, I am contemplating converting my tank over to a marine set up, What I would like to know is what I will need in order to do so, and can I recycle any of my current Tropical Equipment?
Current Setup
Tank Size : 48" (4ft) x 18" (1.5ft) x 29"
Tank Volume : 330 Litres
Lighting : Currently 3 x 39w T5 (2 x White, 1 x Red)
Filtration : TetraTec EX1200 = 3.6 x Turnover
Please could you answer the following?
1) Will the lighting suffice or will I need to upgrade? Im looking at using mainly live rock, with a few low light corals.
2) Will the External filter be of any use as a form of power head? How much turnover will I need for adequate filtration?
3) Is a tank of this size good for a first marine set up?
4) What kind of sand will I require?
5) How much live rock will be needed?
6) Suitable tank mates for a tank of this size?
Thanks in advance, i will continue to check through the forum
Current Setup
Tank Size : 48" (4ft) x 18" (1.5ft) x 29"
Tank Volume : 330 Litres
Lighting : Currently 3 x 39w T5 (2 x White, 1 x Red)
Filtration : TetraTec EX1200 = 3.6 x Turnover
Please could you answer the following?
1) Will the lighting suffice or will I need to upgrade? Im looking at using mainly live rock, with a few low light corals.
2) Will the External filter be of any use as a form of power head? How much turnover will I need for adequate filtration?
3) Is a tank of this size good for a first marine set up?
4) What kind of sand will I require?
5) How much live rock will be needed?
6) Suitable tank mates for a tank of this size?
Thanks in advance, i will continue to check through the forum