Looking To Add Plants To My Tank, Low Maint


New Member
Jan 29, 2011
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south jersey
Ok so i have a 75 gallon seaclear acrylic tank that has been established for a couple years now. it is a community tank with neons,guppies,a couple swords and a couple goldfish....the substrate is play sand and the tank deco is a bunch of stacked river rocks

I want something where i wont need c02 or alot of maintenance,currently the lighting is a single 36" zoo med reef glow 50/50 25w tube sitting right on the tank, everything i read online is suggesting at least 2 wpg is 150 watts of light really needed?

If i do have to upgrade my lighting what is the cheapest route i can take?
crypts and amazon swords are what i have in my tank, and i dont do anything to them other than cut dead leaves off. they have grown very well considering, in my sig below they are behind the middle piece of wood, just under 2 months ago they were only as tall as the wood. very little hassle. my wpg is less than 2. its 33g and 36w bulb, so just over 1 wpg, unless ive got my maths wrong somewhere.
I had a small piece of Anubis given to me over a year ago, no special lights and only on during a few hours in the evening and also no CO2 and I've managed to re'clip it after its grown and got another one growing the other side of my tank, almost ready for another clipping to grow lower down. Just tied to bogwood.


I had a small piece of Anubis given to me over a year ago, no special lights and only on during a few hours in the evening and also no CO2 and I've managed to re'clip it after its grown and got another one growing the other side of my tank, almost ready for another clipping to grow lower down. Just tied to bogwood.


any idea on the type of lighting u have?
Just having a look, Interpet Beauty Light Plus, 36W 1200mm/48". Only got one and my tank is large at way over 350+L and dark tea stained due to the wood.

Talking to my friend today who took the cuttings for me and his has grown huge again, told me he chopped it all back ( dident think about giving me more clippings did he ) :sad:
I am however going to be moving on to CO2 this week, home brew DIY that is and also intend to leave the light on for longer, want to get into plants now.

Little edit:

Got me thinking now and dont mean to hijack this thread but is there a better bulb I can use than the one I listed?
Just having a look, Interpet Beauty Light Plus, 36W 1200mm/48". Only got one and my tank is large at way over 350+L and dark tea stained due to the wood.

Talking to my friend today who took the cuttings for me and his has grown huge again, told me he chopped it all back ( dident think about giving me more clippings did he ) :sad:
what size tank is that you have?
heres a picture of my tank when i set it up, and today. late october i think i set the tank up, and have never used any plant food or co2. just fish poo and light :lol:


i have since added one mroe sword in the far left corner, and moved the one from the front to the back.

Moochy that looks fab!!! just what I;m after
these tanks look nice but none of these pictures are helping the questions i asked lol

as long as you have no algea eating plecs in the tank the amazon sword plants are the way to go. very low maintenance. will grow in low light & no co2.

Anubis are another easy to grow plant that require no special care.

Try with these two sorts of plants first & see how you get on.

good Luck

these tanks look nice but none of these pictures are helping the questions i asked lol

as long as you have no algea eating plecs in the tank the amazon sword plants are the way to go. very low maintenance. will grow in low light & no co2.

Anubis are another easy to grow plant that require no special care.

Try with these two sorts of plants first & see how you get on.

good Luck

all i have that may cause an issue with plants are a few snails
i just ordered this today

Odyssea 48" 216W (4x 54W) T5 HO Light Fixture Extendable Series

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