Looking for Opinions/Suggestions


Fish Crazy
Feb 2, 2007
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I posted this question in a PM with another member. I am looking at some others opinions on this matter.

I have a tank full of Penguin Tetras. I bought the group of them all together about 4 months ago. They were all quite small. All of them are continuing to grow except for 1 of them. He has not grown at all since I got it. Almost looks like a skeleton

He/she is always up at the front of the tank when I feed and he/she does eat (I sometimes make it a habit to drop food right above him.
Lately he/she is not swimming with the rest and hiding throughout the plants but it is still eating at food time. I feed a mix of quality flake food, mini pellets and some bloodworms.

Not sure what to make of this and would like to know your opinions.


I wonder if it has some sort of infection? Like a parasitic worm? They will eat whatever the fish eats and then the host will stay skinny...
But I don't know... I would think there would be other signs to look for... I'm definitely no expert.
@Colin_T @Byron
What do you guys think this could be?

Or the fish just isn't eating enough even though he is up at the front with the others. All the other fish may get to it before he does. He may be the weakest in the group
I've had something similar with one of my neolamprologus similis. The body has gotten dark over the past months and its failed to grow. It's also quite skinny.
I wish I knew what it was...
Typically it's either a runt or an internal parasite. It can be hard to tell because I've grown out batches of fry that exhibit those exact symptoms who are just genetically inferior and need to be culled.

If it was very active when you purchased it, it leads me to think you might be dealing with a parasite - but it's odd that the others are not visibly affected.

Not sure of your location, but you could try a Levamisole HCL flake food, like this one from Angelsplus:

It's Deworming Flake #3. Or try to obtain Metronidazole powder.
As Rocky tagged me in this thread, I will say that I am the member from the PM on this. I never guess with disease (or possible disease) issues, so my advice in the PM was leaveit and observe. If the fish is not being bullied, it is either genetic or a disease, and again I never guess. @powerdyne6 wisely brought it to the forum as some of the more experienced members may have ideas.
I wonder if it has some sort of infection? Like a parasitic worm? They will eat whatever the fish eats and then the host will stay skinny...
But I don't know... I would think there would be other signs to look for... I'm definitely no expert.
@Colin_T @Byron
What do you guys think this could be?

Or the fish just isn't eating enough even though he is up at the front with the others. All the other fish may get to it before he does. He may be the weakest in the group
It seems it has gotten worse over time.. I would agree he is the weakest in the group but I have made an effort to feed him and only him and he does eat. But it makes sense that if he does have parasites that they will eat whatever he eats and he stays skinny.

I mean he was this size when I bought them 4 months ago.. does something like this go on for months or should it have already consumed him?

Also just wondering what my next steps could be?

I would guess of internal parasites or internal worms...
Waying my options at this point as I don’t want to do anything rash.

Unfortunately I don’t have a hospital/quarantine tank to move him.

Just curious what my next steps could be?

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