Looking For Fish Ideas For Small Tank


New Member
May 9, 2013
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Hi everyone. I am actually looking to replace the fish that I used to have in a small tank. (and I mean small)
There is a small 1.5g in my kitchen (my fiance's tank). It has no heater, but does get warmth from the window that it's under (not in front of, the window is above it). We had been keeping 3 fancy guppies in there for over a year with no problems. Even keeping some ghost shrimp with them as well.
Just recently I purchased a small filter for the size of the tank, and that created a fairly strong current. I noticed right away that the guppies didn't like that too well, so I made sure to only run the filter for about 30 min every other day. Just enough to move the water around and filter a bit, and then let them rest. Clearly I didn't clean the filter well enough before placing it in the tank, because suddenly one morning we woke up and all the fish were dead. The only survivor being one shrimp. (and he's still going strong)
I've been monitoring the water and tank levels since then, and it's been about a month now. We're  ready to try to re-introduce fish into this tank, but need something that can handle the current and the cooler water temp. (as it stays room-temp)
Does anyone have any ideas?
(This is not my only tank. I have a 30g tetra tank w/ various tetras and a dragon fish that does very well.)
I wouldn't put anything in it. It is too small for any species of fish. Maybe you could do one or two shrimp. Or a snail. 1.5 gallons is not enough for anything, really.
Wow, you kept guppies in there? That's tiny! It's about what? 5 litres? I'm with attibones on this one, I would say shrimp. 
Yeah, it is a very small tank and I don't want to make any fish unhappy.
But are there no ideas for a small fish that would do fine?
Agreed, it really is too small for fish.
You also need a filter that you can run 24/7; if you've only got the filter on for 30 mins every other day, you might as well have not bothered with a filter at all, tbh.
A small, air driven, sponge filter would be your best bet.
I don't think there are any small species that would fit in there. Even fish like endlers which are tiny need a bit more space than that. You do get other fish which are tiny but need to be kept in shoals to keep them happy.
In fairness, a shrimp tank with some teenyweeny plants in there would look STUNNING!
We used this originally as a shrimp tank with 1 small plant. I might just have to talk my fiance back into that. He was really looking forward to getting more guppies, but I'd hate to put more fish in danger.
Yep, 5 liters is enough for a nice little home for shrimp. I couple of small snails, planorbius maybe, and some good moss.
I've love to get some snails, but I've NEVER had good luck with them. I've pretty sure I'm the grim reaper of snail kind. lol
But I'll definately look into turning it back into a shrimp tank. Maybe even try to find some cherry shrimp for a nice color.
I didn't know they made tanks that small....
Even if it ends up as a shrimp or snail tank, it is good to cycle the filter.  Plus the direction of the filter may help reduce the current... such as pointing it the shorter length rather than the longer length of the tank.
I too would only do shrimp or snails and plant it with some easy plants and some moss balls.

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