Looking for Dwarf Snakeheads

O u live in hertfordshire! The lfs in bedfordshire: the japanese koi carp had them a while ago. It was one type of dwarf though. Also chiltern aquatics in harlington gets loads of oddballs.
well, they are not banned in Alaska, and alaska is part of the US, there for they are not illegal in the US, because congress is so lazy that they dont make exceptions to the law where they are relevent unless you pay big bucks to campaign funds
Opcn said:
I live in alaska? whats it going to do escape and swim 3000 miles to warm water? The only species that is federally banned is the northern snakehead, other than that thebans are state by state, useually as a result of people mixing up the species. There are red snake heads here too.
I need to move up there. :D
Hey there, i've just ordered a box of ten out here in nottinghamshire, maybe you would be interested in one? They are yet to arrive, and i will offer a very good price on them dependant on how many survive the flight over, give me a pm if interested.
if you're in the uk i know a place in leicester who sells dwarf variety
Wildwoods still has the bleheri in stock.
Laws vary from state to state on posession of any Chana species it is however a Federal Offense to import them into the United States or transoprt them across any State line-Anne

Channa amphibeus - Chel snakehead;
Channa argus - Northern snakehead;
Channa asiatica - Chinese snakehead;
Channa aurantimaculata - Orangespotted snakehead;
Channa bankanensis - Bangka snakehead;
Channa baramensis - Baram snakehead;
Channa barca - Barca snakehead;
Channa bleheri -Rainbow snakehead;
Channa burmanica - Burmese snakehead
Channa cyanospilos - Bluespotted snakehead;
Channa gachua - Dwarf snakehead;
Channa harcourtbutleri - Inle snakehead;
Channa lucius - Splendid snakehead;
Channa maculata - Blotched snakehead;
Channa marulius - Bullseye snakehead;
Channa maruloides - Emperor snakehead;
Channa melanoptera - Blackfinned snakehead;
Channa melasoma - Black snakehead;
Channa micropeltes - Giant snakehead;
Channa nox – Night snakehead;
Channa orientalis - Ceylon snakehead;
Channa panaw – Panaw snakehead;
Channa pleurophthalmus - Ocellated snakehead;
Channa punctata - Spotted snakehead;
Channa stewartii - Golden snakehead;
Channa striata - Chevron snakehead;
Parachanna africana - Niger snakehead;
Parachanna insignis - Congo snakehead; and
Parachanna obscura - African snakehead
State laws:
The following states have laws, or have proposed laws on the table banning
the possession, sale and transport of Snakeheads:
Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Michigan, Maryland, New Jersey, Indiana, Kansas, North Carolina,Virginia, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Tennessee,Ohio
Wildwoods still has the bleheri in stock.

Do they? i didn't see them last time i went (which was last Thursday) i could only see the asian snakeheads or channa aureolineatus (which i can't find any info on)

Hey there, i've just ordered a box of ten out here in nottinghamshire, maybe you would be interested in one? They are yet to arrive, and i will offer a very good price on them dependant on how many survive the flight over, give me a pm if interested.

Where in nottinghamshire? and how far is that from Hertfordshire?how much are you selling them for?

Does anyone have any info on Channa Bleheri eg. temperament, compatible species etc.

Thanks for the info

I could part with two for £10 each, im from worksop, half hour away from sheffield, sorry dont know how far that is from hertfordshire, i can let you knlow when i get to work, im expecting the forst ones in 2 weeks time.

perhaps the most laid back channa i know of, can be kept with a variety of fish so long as they are not too docile or small
Not really no...........its an option that my lfs has only just extended to myself. He imports direct, and provided i pay for the whole of the freight and fish, he allows me to order them through him. This is no extra fee, provided i dont abuse! He knows its rare stuff he cant normally stock, and is loathe to stock, and i do give him 10% normally, to make it worth his while.

mmmmm if I pull of this tigris we've been discussing I'm checkin the import lists for black arrowanas next!

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