Looking For An Upgrade Tank


Fish Addict
Nov 28, 2011
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any good websites where i can browse through some tanks that i might like :) im looking for something between 3-4ft in length. i would like to upgrade some time in the future dont have the funds at the moment and i dont want to rush into it either
going to take a new approach to things, have been reading up on the walstad method, really like the sound of it. so when i finally get my upgrade tank up and running in the future im going to go for the walstad method of things i think :)
You can set up email alerts (on ebay and gumtree) so that when a tank in say....50 miles of your postcode are posted you get an email letting you know. Worked for me!

On ebay I just went to the "tanks and bowls" category set my distance (on the bottom left side) and asked it to email me results (link under the search bar). I didn't put in any specific search terms because I didn't want to risk missing anything.
ahh well thats a good idea :) thanks for the advice :D ! hopefully i can find myself a nice tank soon. not that i want to rush into things though just would love a bigger tank
Go for a "juwel vision 450." It's about 4 ft long and regarded as one of the most sturdy tank in that price range. As for the walstead method, I've been running that setup for a year now and made a vid on the process that I can pm if need be.
thanks primous :) yes can you pm me please. i've been looking into it and i think i can do it just a few questions that i need answering before i can get started on it :p

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