Looking For Advice On Levels

A bit of an update for you all.
Ammonia levels are now staying below 0.25 and nitrite still at 1ppm.

I had been able to do much over the last few days with the tank.

But I went into my lfs today and asked if there was any chance I could have some of there established media. Unfortunately I couldnt as there filtering system is pressurised, but one of their other stores sells established media. So ill be of there in the morning to get some.
So I put the new media in the next morning and tested the water after 12 hours. Ammonia 0.25ppm and nitrite 0.25ppm.

Checked again this morning and these are the levels.

Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 20ppm

I think we hqve finally got there
Yep, established media will do EVERYTHING you just went through, in 2 - 3 days!

Might I ask, how did the media come, just cuts of a sponge?  Also, how much were they charging?
Thats cool that established media from LFS did the trick for you.
Bet you are feeling totally relieved and happy now 

Established media is akin to "Fishkeeper's gold!" to me 

As echoo ask, I'm also interested also from which LFS and how much did they charge you for this established media? And in which form, part of sponge, ceramic media or gravel etc etc
Woud be good to know so that so can possibly use that advice for others who are struggling with their tank cycles. 
I've used mature media from my main tank to cycle a Nano tank, only took 6 days in total!! 'innit marvellous stuff! 
I have cycled about 5 tanks now with my original tanks media.   It has a massive hang on back filter, big enough for me to cut 1"x2" rectangles off of the huge 6" x 9" cut to fit sponges i stick in it.  A 2" by 1" piece cut into 3, and dispersed through the filter seems to do the trick, then after the tank cycles, you remove each of the 3 squares one at a time, a few days apart.  
Yeah it was a relieve to see the levels finally drop and do what it should be doing.
I got the media from my LFS which is Maidenhead Aquatics.
It was not sponge they gave me but a media called K1, you normally see it the bottom tanks in some stores (sump tanks), the only way i can describe it is it looks like pasta being whisked around.
They charged me £1 for a fish bag full, was enough to fill 2 trays in my fluval 405 filter. Thought it was pretty good for a £1.
Here is a picture of the media
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k1 media.jpg
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I regularly shop at my local M.A as well so that very good to know if i ever get stuck or if someone needs media that option is available.
Thanks for sharing that.
You can fully enjoy your tank now without worrying too much now 

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