Looking For A Specific Loach


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2009
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chesterfield twp(detroit) MI
i got a couple new plants yesterday that had some nusance snails i didnt see... i think the are the malaysian snail? the long cone like shell... any way, i understand these to be very prolific breeders and i dont want that. they are small, and i have two apple snails about nickle size... i want a loach that will take care of th nuisances snails but leave my apples alone. any thing out there i can look for? community tank btw.
MTS are generally considered quite good for the tank.

If you want rid, look up Assassin Snails.
MTS are generally considered quite good for the tank.

If you want rid, look up Assassin Snails.

im sorry but im not quite down w/ the lingo, whats a mts? i have 5 already out of my main tank and now in my fry tank to help clean up a bit, but i counted about 8 more in the main tank i was so pissed i gave up... im sure there's more. i want to keep my apple snails, and get rid of the much smaller nuisance ones. the assassin snail wasn't too appealing to me and i know for a fact my lfs doesn't have them..
mts malaysian trumpet snails i get it now took me some log reading... lol

they are good but considered nuisance? its my understanding that they are prolific breeders, and i really only want my two apple snails for clean up crew... can i get some info on the mts and the situation?
i had a few mts and i thought they were ok until they were so numerous that they were grossing me out.

then i got some botia kubotai. beautiful fish, peaceful, don't bother plants or shrimp.

now i have zero mts.

botia kubotai are awesome.
Yep, Botia kubotai are great. I also think that they are very pretty fish personally. I have a trio in my tank... all snails have rapidly disappeared! It's great because I find that they eat the snail eggs as well. They are very playful with each other and seem to enjoy a fairly good current to swim in together. They are often sold as 'polkadot loach' or 'burmese border loach'. I have lots of amano shrimp too who they never pester... in fact they happily sit together with the shrimp munching on sinking tablets.

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