Looking For A Snail

i can sell you ramhorns, or pond snails. pond snails will be better for algae. but i am afraid if they do have babies that you would kill them all once the tank is clean? i can sell you ramshorn snails, i have tons of young ones. they don't have babies near as bad as the pond snails.

the ramshorn snail only have eggs every once in a while and there easy to manage. but they are not as good algae cleaners as the pond snails. but they would be your best bet. how much are you wanting to buy?

the pond snails RARELY very rarely eat plants. the ramshorns may eat some, but not too much. most apple snails and snails of that species eat mostly plants and dead things. they aren't usually the best choice for algae. plus, there expensive.

pond snails are pest snails once they get in your tank you can never get rid of them

only good for feeding to puffers IMO

good luck selling them
Oh Jordan,

Keep in mind one other thing. If you keep a planted tank it is almost inevitable that at some point you are going to get pest snails. They, and their eggs, hitch rides in on plants and gravel that you get from the lfs. The only way to prevent it is to wash the new stuff thoroughly, and/or quarantine. Either way, despite your best efforts, you will get these annoying guys. These are not apple snails and will do significant damage to your plants.

i would highly suggest ramhorns. they don't reproduce often and are managable. they don't get too big (the type i have) and they can get colorful. i got the first ones from a pond and have been working through there generations to improve color. some of my babies are finally having red and blue on them.

so they can be a colorful addition.
:rolleyes: oh, sorry! just saw the links to aquaessentials and snailsshop (uk sites) so I gave you that one. Quite good prices for uk though :p
I haven't had good experience with Olive Nerites.

Well, that's not quite true. They really do a good job on algae (single best thing for cleaning glass I've found), but I'm fairly sure they're actually brackish snails and require a high PH. Every snail I've ever seen comes with the spire of its shell already collapsed. In my tanks they've steadily gotten more and more corroded shells, even after I started buffering the PH with crushed coral.

So yeah, their shells will look like total crap. and they'll quite likely lay tons of eggs which look like little sesame seeds on everything in the tank, which last for months without decaying and can't be pried off with anything short of a razor. Besides that they're great. Personally I'd try and find a different Nerite.
I recommend: Malaysian Trumpet Snails. I have loads in my tank that leave the plants well alone, they burrow in the gravel/sand, and prevent it getting Aneorobic. They also clean the glass. The only problem I've ever had with any snail is that babies may occasionally get caught up in the filter impeller, but this is rare.

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