Looking For A Pleco


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2005
Reaction score
Southeast Michigan
I want somethig that can fit in my tank, and be able to exist with a jewel. I know must plecos can because their tough fish, but I want something that is somewhat colorful, doesnt cost much, and doesnt produce so much waste, and keep up with the algue, possible? Give me ur opinions, it doesnt have to meet everything but needs to definetly keep the algue down.
There is no pleco that doesn't produce to much waste all pleco produces alot of waste. Are you planning to put a pleco in your 20g?
Haha I wish there was a tank about 10000 gallons for a dollar you know a suprise, Im just kidding around. Good reaction though. They are messy but do help keep the tank somewhat cleaner and most Pleco's Grow large the 20 will stun their growth, Maybe save up come Christmas time and treat yourself to a larger tank, Anythin larger is a plus.
There are a handful of species that stay small, including bristlenoses, leopard frog plecos (L134), clown plecos, queen arabesque (L260), and some others, but if your jewel is aggressive, i think the only one that may be able to handle itself well would be the bristlenose...they are good algae eaters, unlike some of the others and stay small enough to live in a 20 gal...they also come in different varieties, including albino, common, longfin, starlights, etc....id consider going with one of them...they are great fish and have a lot of personality...hope this helps

i have a female albino bristlenose in my 20 gallon, it is about 3 inches. i got it at about 2.5 inches last february so it grows quite slowly.

they are comonly referred to as gold ancistrus. there color is stunning and mine is quite active. it isn't shy at all as compared to my larger regular male which hides all day and only comes out when lights are out and nobody's moving around the tank. there is no algea left in the tank.
So a bristlenose pleco won't out grow a 20g hmmm. Once I rehome my common pleco I might just get my self a bristlenose. :nod:
actually - its the other way round - there are a handfull (well more than that) that get big - most plecos will be smaller getting to 8" max....

we have LOADS (26 at last count) and only the common and the L014 shunshine plec will get to more than 8"...

just do some reasurch of your own and you'll find loads... have a search on here as its a regularly asked question :)
i guess it depends what you consider small, an 8 inch pleco would not be suitable for a 20 gallon tank...

So a pleco up to 8 inches will be fine in my 20 long?

I definatly didnt say that....

it all depends on you stocking, your filtration and your water change routine.

we bred bristle noses in a 15gal.... just 2 bristle noses and a lot of fry - but the tank was over filtered and cleaned once a week. with the fry getting moved to grow out tanks.

In a 20 gal i would say 2 smaller plecs (eg clown plec max 4") would be fine just because that adds up to 8" dosnt mean an 8" is ok - an 8" plec will be a lot more powerfull and need more room to move and call home.

one bristle nose would be fine.

what else do you have in the tank?
Its all in my sig, one jewel and 5 danios, read my sig. Thats what I figured, 4-6 inches, but 2 bristlenose plecs might be the way to go, and plus I know to four inch fish doent make it ok for an 8 inch fish, dont think Im a noobie :/
I would just stick to one Bristlenose, a 6" plec is plenty big enough for a 20G tank. They are also very good algae cleaners.

Also maybe worth checking out rubbernose plecos, the Chaetostoma variety. They stay small, and while it isn't a necessity, do well in medium to strong current.
true for the rubbernose, they stay the smallest. although cal wanted something colorful and gold ancistrus are usually easy to find and show stunning color, much more than any other albino pleco i've seen.

while it is true most plecos stay small, some are harder to keep then others and the advantage with the bristlnose is it will eat algea, same for the rubbernose. i find the albino bristlenose niver though, but that's a peronal opinion

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