Looking For A Nice Shoal Of Corys And Other Cory Questions Please


Apr 28, 2007
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Dereham, Norfolk, England
Im now setting up a planted 125l aquarium (81x36cm footprint). What cories would go well with, rummynose tetras, harlequins, cardinal tetras, rams and an albino rainbow shark and some ottos?
I would be looking at buying 4-6 depending on how many of each of the other fish i get. Do cories have much bioload? I currently have some algae wafers that sink to the ground, these are mande by king british, would these be ok for cories to eat? If not, could you reccommend another good food for them?


Just about ANY Corys I would imagine. I recently bought 5 Bronze and 5 Peppered for my 4 foot tank. They share it with Cardinals, Pencilfish, Harlequin Rasbora and male Platys. I wish I'd got them when I first set up my tank four years ago - they're fabulous. I feed them Tetra Tabimin, the same as I put in for the Otos, just after lights out. Make sure you give them something to shelter under, though - a decent piece of Bogwood or some slate arranged with space underneath. You'll love them.
I read your post earlier. I have hesitated to recommend any Corys for that tank. Cichlids and sharks are generally in the conventional wisdom not considered good tankmates for Corys. Cichlids and sharks are territorial, and Corys do not recognize territories. Consequently they are often eventually harassed by their more aggressive neighbors which causes them stress at the least. A fish that is a perfect neighbor for months can turn when stronger drives move them to establish and enforce their territories. The Corys become anxious and begin to hide, never venturing out--that is IF they have places to hide.

Probably bronze, sterbai or peppers would do as well as any. But it will depend on you lps.
With those fish I would go for one that is larger. I think it would stand a better chance. Maybe something like b. splendens or something.
Just a suggestion... :good:

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