Fish Crazy
hey looking for a live bearers for my new tank the current stocking is 10 neon tetras 6 pygmy corydoras 3 tiger nertie snails 5 amano shrimp originally i was going to get 6 hatchet fish for the top layer to fill the layer but not detract from the beauty of the neon's now ive changed my mind again like i endlessly do and im looking for some live bearers for the middle top of my tank not at all interested in the molly's platys guppies endlers swordtails what i would like is either a small fish that i could keep a reasonable group of and possibly breed(who am i kidding they're live bearers they will breed) or something like a humpbacked limia this is the fish im currently thinking of getting but am not sure as i don't know whether males can be kept together because i think they have nice balance of colors markings and behaviour but i dont want fighting (maybe if its minimal) anyway ty for any advice srry for spelling errors am currently on holiday in northumberland and only have the laptop to use and am pretty bad with it