Looking For A Community Fish That Eats Snails

I hate this - every time I buy plants from my LFS (Fishy Business indeed <_<), I get an infestation of small snails!

Normally, I pick them off with the gravel vac and then get the algae scraper out for the ones on the glass, but it's such a pain.

You could re-home the shrimp for a couple of weeks and dose the tank? But that's probably not the best option.


I always rinse my plants (using hands to take out anything) before I plant them. This greatly reduces the number of snails and snail eggs that are introduced into my tank.
Snails + problem = Epalzeorhynchus bicolor aka red tailed black "shark"
Eats them snails
Epalzeorhynchus bicolor or Red tail sharks do not eat snails, I wish they would though! their algae grazes.
Can anyone recommend a community fish that eats snails. At the moment I have neon tetras, galaxy rasboras, otos and shrimp in a 80x60x40 tank.

Assassin Snails are available on Ebay and there is a current thread under the Livestock section in this forum from member kiriyama who has Assassin snails for sale :good:

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