Looking For A Betta:)

actually, bettas do great in planted tanks, as do many fish. They are however great jumpers, so i heard. I highly doubt its the many water changes that affected them, unless the water you put in was very different to their tank water. Betta splendens and plakat were grown in jars, so one can imagine how often water changes occur.
they do but by the time the fish are here and you've paid transshipping fees its not worth doing unless on a larger scale
The only wild type bettas we see in LFS here are the fairly common "peaceful betta", imbellis. They look a lot like female splendens and cost about the same as a typical common B. splendens. Rarer fish like B. simplex or such cost far more and you can add shipping costs to the price of the fish. The only way I have found to get them at a reasonable price is to buy them at a club auction. I have a beautiful B. pugnax that I bought that way a couple of years ago. It is about 7 cm SL and looks great but I have no mate for him.
Aquabid is a great source of fish in the US but, as has been speculated, they are not such a very good source elsewhere. Even in the US you must read the source information carefully. Lately, many fish that are listed are located in Asia which means you may well have customs issues if you simply order the fish. There is no such thing as fish that can be imported to the US without taking care of import health inspections and import tariffs. Most sellers do not bother to tell you that. Instead they let you find out the hard way after you have already paid for the fish.
hi the fish hut in scotland sells , also ebay is full ofwild type betts.
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Betta-species-ANTUTA-Rare-Wild-BETTA-GUARANTEED-PAIR-mouthbrooder-/120869214381?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Fish&hash=item1c245dd8ad#ht_1651wt_1163 i really want this lovely thing, shame i dont have enough moneys :') oh god its beautiful :)
You should try the fish hut direct


colin dunlop is the guy that rans it and he is very helpful. he updates his stock list often and normally has any thing from 6 or 7 to 15 different wild type betta's. hes very helpful in helping you chose the right ones :good:
Hi there, Kash at Finz n Tailz Aquatics doesn't have any in stock right now but if you contact him he may order some for you? www.finzntailz.co.uk

EDIT: I've just asked him BTW and he said he does sometimes get them in. Contact him through his website if you're interested.
Try to look up "Betta Breeders" in your area or on-line. Most stores don't carry specialty Bettas, you have to get them through breeders. There is one I found on YouTube (watching videos of Bettas, yes I'm that crazy about them, Lol) and they seem to ship internationally, here is the contact e-mail: fishchick@gmail.com
Apparently they are also healthier when they come directly from the breeders. I can't say personally though, mine come from stores.
Good luck!

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