Looking At Going Big.

Wow I posted this awhile ago. Updates:

the 65 is up and running and I am loving it.

All set up and running good. Has been for a long time
so far I have slowly added
4 albino cories
4 silver hatchet fish
2 neons
2 bloodfin tetras
1 white cloud minnow that was given to me by mistake by the store.
and 3 otos

plus of course my 3 danios and my betta.

All is going great. I did have 3 neons but one was not in good shape straight from the lfs.
Also i think my betta died of old age. In the last 2 weeks I have been seeing less and less of him as he has been hiding in a cave that he never cared about before. Well last night I couldnt find him at all so I lifted the cave and there he was freshly dead. This had to of been old age as he was aleast 2 if not older.

Stats are good in the water and everything is going great.
I know I should have more neons as they like being in groups, but they do school very well with the bloodfins.

My last additions were the otos as I was going through a bit of a fight with brown algae, but they are doing their best to put it in check.

One ? is, what else would you guys add. As far a fish go. I keep trying to get a par of blue rams from the lfs but they keep telling me they ordered em, but none show up.

I am thinking a planted tank is looking better everyday. I do have one live plant in the tank right now that I purchased as a bulb. Its got to be 10 inches by now. Looks much better then the other fake plants and was easy to grow.

I have bought another betta but I have set up a 4.5 gallon just for him. I will try to get good pics of both for you guys.


Ha, another one succumbs to MTS! Congrats! I'm in the same boat, having only just managed to talk my family into letting me get a 55 gals- though I probably won't be able to set it up until after the summer.

i bought a 2ft tank 6 months ago and now i have an 80G 5ft tank, 55G 4ft tank and a 3FT tank coming friday.

jus gotta figure out where to put it lol. live with my parents and my room is kinda taken up! bit of rearranging and itll go in here somewhere tho.

damn MTS lol
here are the pics
sorry about quality taken with my phone

the 65

the side of the 65 with 2 of my otos sucking some brown algae down.

the new 4.5 with my new blue/black crowntail
IMO you definately need more danios, and tetras, they do better in schools of 6 or more, and you have plenty of room. I'd also add some more cories, if you don't want the same species, you could add 3-4 of a different one to give variety. Also, add some pics, I'm sure we'd all like to see how everything looks. And you have my sympathies for catching MTS, I've caught the bug too. :lol:
pics are up. any other input

IMO you definately need more danios, and tetras, they do better in schools of 6 or more, and you have plenty of room. I'd also add some more cories, if you don't want the same species, you could add 3-4 of a different one to give variety. Also, add some pics, I'm sure we'd all like to see how everything looks. And you have my sympathies for catching MTS, I've caught the bug too. :lol:
I like the planys in the back right of this aqarium. I think they are very good looking for being fake. I got 'em at petsmart on sale. You should get something like these. tall one always seem to look the bast to me.

I am actually thinking about going to planted now. Only problem is I have very low wpg. Im talking 40 watts for 65 gallons

Now I do have a couple of bulbs that I have dropped in and are sprouting. One I have had in there for about a month and it has grown into a never nice 10 inch plant. ?s is what other plants would you suggest doing for such a low light situation. Something that grows tall as I have a tall tank. The one plant I have fully grown I believe is some type of anubus (sp?). Anyway you can see it in the pic with my otos. oh and when you mention plants please also list the common names not just the long latin ones as I am plant stupid.

I like the planys in the back right of this aqarium. I think they are very good looking for being fake. I got 'em at petsmart on sale. You should get something like these. tall one always seem to look the bast to me.


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