Look Who It Isn't


Fish Herder
Feb 6, 2011
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Ha he finally decides to pop his head out and have a nose around

Meet Gordon :D



And then he shot back off into his hole.
its beautiful :nod:.i want one :p . what is it? i seem to have forgotten.
He is lovely, did you get a shrimp too?

My 1 picture of my goby is from the only time he has ventured out of his hole! See him every day when i put in the sinking pellets, but his head comes out he grabs the food and is off like a shot!
No I can't get a pistol shrimp as in my upgrade I want a flame hawkfish and ive been told that they won't go together.

And I hate those mushrooms in the background of pic no1
Never mind, flame hawkfish are lovely too.
I really like those mushrooms, but then again i don't think i have seen anything i don't like!!!
I would send them to you if I was bothered to frag them as I don't want to take the rock out as its Gordon's house.
He loves it so much all he does is run away like a little girl when he sees his own reflection. :lol:

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