Look What The Local Betta Importer Brought In...

Well that makes sense...but that wasn't my queston lol. I asked why people were making such a fuss between teh species..when they all look so similar? And was this "fuss" because they wanted a species that no one else, or few people, have?

The only one with visable notbale difference, to me, is the smaragdina. They have an odd scaling on the whole head that the rest don't seem to have. I found that kinda cool.

I still like that Macrostoma best though...I saw some better pics though



Very cool pic but the website asked it not be used..so you'll have to go there and look at it.


That it is just pretty.
IF your hands are clean it's safer and less dangerous then a net, imho. there is no risk of fins getting snagged, although I can't do it...I'm afraid I'll squish them on impulse lol.
lljdma06, if you post pics of your supposed hybrid i can tell you what it really may be.

Alrighty then, watch out for the new thread then. I can finally put Hunding's origin to rest! Thanks.

Yes, you can hold fishies, but I'm with SRC, I keep thinking I'll squish mine :crazy:
Macrostoma are gorgeous fish. If I ever got a chance to get them I deffinately would. And during water changes I scoop my bettas out by hand, rather than using a net, I always make sure my hands are nice and clean. But it seems less stressful to be scooped out fast rather than chasing them around with a net until you catch them.
Had coffee with Amir Gan, a wild betta collector from Malaysia. He told me that Imbelis are pretty common and could still be found in rural backyards.
I might just say, if these species are becoming hard to find, is it really the best idea to take 10 breeding pairs out of circulation? If everybody does this surely there will be none left! Then they'll become extinct... Like so many species... Why don't you just breed your own nice looking ones? If you want whats best for the survival of the species that is...
I SO agree, SRC! :drool:

However, I've always loved Mahachai. The pics you posted do look similar, but a really nice quality male Mahachai is gorgeous to me!!! I think you should pick whichever pair you like best, ral.
Industrilization, pollutuin and development will reduce the Betta's natural habitat. I guess someone will put up a wildlife reserve for them... if not, maybe they will only live in the tanks of hobbyist in the future. Taking a few out of their natural circulation might be the only way to keep them intact.

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