Omen, yes thats right its me
i am so sorry to hear about your kitten,
i wish you the best of luck as i know how much you love your cats, i have been trying to ring you but appears i have the wrong phone number mate
fingers crossed for the kittens and please keep us updated
She was the tiny silver tabby with white on her..not sure she showed up in any of the photos or not. She was so small and she had that " crying kitten syndrome" you know once u hear that..there is no hope. It's just awful to hear it too. Thank god I have only experienced it a few times. Katie I will pm you on the bird site with my number.
The other kittens are so far all healthy and eating but I have all 4 of my eyes on them
The kittens are beautiful, Omen666, though I am sorry about the little female. Nature lets you know when something's not quite right. Look forward to updated pictures as they grow. They are super cute.
Sorry, going a little off topic now. Is it just me, or does anybody else find it just a little ironic that we're discussing warm and fuzzy kittens and cute birds with a person whose user name refers to a film about the coming of Satan? I'm not offended or anything, I just see the humor in it is all.
HAHA..I'm harmless , Im just a Horror Movie Freak. I don't spit pea soup and I havent killed my own mother or any priests.
I do however have a killer cat who protects me from Strangers LOL
Yes I was gutted over the baby, but a litter of 7 is quite a BIG responsibility for a mother cat to handle. She has never had more than 4 or 5 previously. I knew this kitten would die when it was born. You just know after years of breeding what is to come. I did hold her and snuggle her during it so she wasnt alone ....She was loved as all my cats are.