Look at the state of this......

That makes me feel sick...

But then again we live in the 21st century.....and people will probably buy it :crazy: :/
well there are always going to be idiots that will buy thies things because of what the companies tell them the most we can to is not buy them and imo the cost is way too high. for about £50 u could get a small tank and about 12 fish and i get to chose wot i put in them as well as keep the fish in a gd enviroment.

Although i can understand how the thing works the pant would take the place of the filters (they don't mention theat the plant will need cutting) and it's like a bio-shpare.
And in case you can take the fish and plant out of the bag - they will come set it up for you :lol: They'll even come maintain it for you - cleaning it and such :lol: Wow... If you can't set up something that small on your own, or clean it then you shouldn't have the fish in the first place (well, nobody should have 'em in such a small container in such conditions....).

Those are pretty much the same as what's called AquaBabies (I think) over here in the U.S.

aka Married Lizard :wub:
t's only 1 litre and even though it has no filter it only gets cleaned once every three months

To be fair, it states to do 10-30% water change every month and clean the tank with a complete breakdown every 3 months.

How about the "changing kits" with all new gravel etc and you can add an extra 3 minnows :huh: , what the hell happened to the original 2 and why do you get 2 with a new tank, but 3 is ok if you're cleaning it :dunno: ?

I do like the look of it B) , but from the fish point of view they are bad and wrong, not enough swimming space and potential for poor water quality I don't like it at all :no:. I know in theory you can keep certain fish in a small space, but by the same argument you could keep a dog in a cupboard with little space to move about, but people would go nuts about that being cruel :<.

Bad news as far as I'm concerned, steer clear.

going on the dimensions that "tank"
is only 3.53 LTR or 0.93 U.S. gallons.
It can house 1 minnow comfortably and nothing else,
& we all know minnows are community fish that need
to be in a group of 5 or more. Don't we?
2 white clouds in a 1 litre peice of plastic! :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

thats like 1 quater of a galon :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

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