Look At My Fish

black molly3

Fish Herder
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
have a look its my first time iv done this so im a bit excited

And this one

theres more

and still
lol its because the breeding trap is a bit scrached thats all and they were took by my phone.
il try to get some more up its quite hard to get some pics of the black knife as all he apears to
do is lie flat on his side under the shel and only come out for food lol
thanks for your replies
its a pimodella catfish and they have huge mouths i only got him today.
il try to update with more pics asap.
thanks people
Looks like a Pimelodus Pictus (pictus catfish) rather than a 'pimodella'! Can't comment on any of the other fish but I own a trio of pictus and I would say that tank will prove to be too small for him, mine are all pushing 6". He will also eat those fry! Loving the gobies though, cute little buggers and that's a great picture of one.
the one where the gobie is on the roc thats my favourate. mine is about 6 inches now but he seems realy
happy iv just fed them some bloodworm and iv never seen a fish consume so much food in my life lol.
no really he seems to be saticfied lol he loves swimming freely and messing up my sand when hees looking for food.
im trying to get a pic of the black knife but hes really shy when i fed them about 3 mins ago he wouldnt
even come out for that he kept poking his head around the rocks then going back in.
whats the difference between a pictus and a pimodella cat.
whats the difference between a pictus and a pimodella cat.

I think just you or your LFS has misspelt the latin name - Pimelodus rather than Pimodella. ;)

Must admit I know nothing about the gobies, how big do they get and what are you feeding them? They're an awesome colour.
thanks. they get to about an inch if that. im feeding them frozen bloodworm and they will accept the occational
flake. there quite cheep around £2.50 UK. they realy are nice fish but i you plan on
getting some dont plan on getting many as they can become teritorial and fin nip lol.
its full time entertainment though waching them fight in the sand no one ever gets hurt its just a test
of strength.
also my black knife. i dont know why he is lying on his side sometimes he gets up and loks for food
but when he lies on his side it scares me like now. is this normal.
Sorry to say this but your knife fish is going to get far too big for that tank and would eventually be able to eat all the other fish, i wouldnt put any pim cats in there either tbh, just a warning, nice fish all the same.
also my black knife. i dont know why he is lying on his side sometimes he gets up and loks for food
but when he lies on his side it scares me like now. is this normal.
Perfectly normal, but as mentioned he does need to go. If you get a bigger tank for him, plant it, they love planted tanks. They tend to lie on their sides when there is no suitable cover.
Very nice pics though :good: .
thank you thank you thank you now im not so woried. il post a pic of my tank in a mo just got to up load it.
il be getting a new tank shortly.
thanks for the advice again you dont know how useful this is to me.
do you recomend i get new plants i only have one
thanks again
heres some more the one of my full tank in the catfish is in the bottom left.
il post some new ones of other fish soon because im sure your all boared of seeing
the same ones



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