Longfin Albino Bristlenose Spawned


New Member
Dec 31, 2007
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My Bristlenose have spawned for the first time. When I came home I noticed that half of the eggs were outside of his cave and half were inside? I have pushed the eggs back in the cave and tilted the cave up slightly to try and help the eggs stay in the cave. The male is also inside the cave. Have I done the right thing? They are in a 3 foot tank on thier own.

Fingers crossed they will hatch....

Thanks in advance.


  • eggs.jpg
    28.7 KB · Views: 61
if there on there own i think leaving them would have been fine or the male would have done it eventually anyways but... u havent done anythink that would cause concern so congrats on the eggs and i hope they all hatch 4 ya :)

Thanks for the reply, I will keep you posted :rolleyes:

Best regards
I came home today and the eggs are back out of the cave, I am going to leave them this tme. They are a nice orange colour and no sign of fungus yet.
Most likely the male is pushing them out and not really have the instinct yet to take care of the eggs. As long as there is water flow over the eggs and aren't getting any fungus they may hatch. It sometimes takes the male a few batches to get their instinct motivated.
Thanks for the reply. The eggs are hatching as I type, I can only see two that do not seem to be fertilised.

Hard bit now is suppose is keeping them alive! :unsure:

Thanks once again

Best regards
The fry all seem fine, swimming all over the tank and eating courgette. The parents are, male is a golden and the female is an albino so i am not quite sure how the fry are going to turn out.

Best regards


  • Fry.jpg
    31.5 KB · Views: 60
great pic and good luck on them

we are looking for some adults longfin bns pair if u or anyone know of a pair going pay by paypal and posted
Thanks for the replys, I went on holiday for two weeks and did not have anyone to look after my fish :crazy:

I had the tank spotless before I went but when I came back my 80 or so fry ended up being around 9 :blink:

I got the tank back in order and the fry seem to be growing okay now. I think the parents are going to spawn again soon.

My big tank was okay while I was away, no losses :good:

Best regards
sorry about your loss.once they start you cant get them to stop.mine are on a breeding frenzy lol
good luck with your future spawns

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