Long Tentacle Anenome--critical!

I am confused as to why you have added 2 incredibly sensitive inverts, an anenome and starfish to a tank which may not have yet be mature enough (water quality and food sources)? You say your tank has been cycling for a year? Is this just the live rock or have you had other stock in there? A tank needs a "load", i.e. enough ammonia source to mature properly as far as I have ever seen.

One other thing I have noticed is that it appears as if the starfish (linkia?) has bubbles attached to it, Have you checked to see if your protein skimmer is leaking microbubbles back to the tank or are you using any airstones?

I'd like to hear more on your plans for the tank and obviously the last thing anyone wants is to see another reefer get it wrong, good luck with the tank, hopefully you will gain lots of knowledge by using internet forums.

Hello and welcome to the forum.

The anenome you have is a condys. An altantic anenome by the looks of it. Now these dont require the high lighting that other nems do but they still require powerful ones IME.

Now for the bad news.. that nem is only half inflated by the looks of it.. when its fully into feeding mode it will oustretch and cover most of that rock. Now for more bad news. Its a fish killer. clowns wont host in it or they will be eaten. maroons are known to host in them but thats all. Any other fish in this tank is in danger as there will be no refuge from its tenticals.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but shops really need to be more responsible when selling these creatures.

And the starfish ... it looks ok.. but remember that a starfish takes months to acclimatise... you can add a starfish and it might die 6 months later simply because of the changing water conditions of a new tank setup . I had 2 linka starfish disintergrate and it wasnt a pleasant site.

Nevermind however, keep asking the questions by all means but learn to admit defeat on things that are beyond you because in this hobby.. good things dont happen overnight.. disasters do
thanks nav.. I shall be carefull.. and read more on this invert...

I appreciate all your guys knowledge....
Thats quite a big nem!! If appearance isnt deceiving then I would be feeding him bits of chopped fish or the packs of frozen fish (thawed out ofc). Probably best to start with smaller meals though whilst he settles in.

A great thing to think about whilst you feed your nem is how you like to feed yourself... Do you like it if people shove food into your mouth when you aren't ready or do you like to have it placed in your hands? ^^ Same goes for a nem

i think you have really thought to much into this :p

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