Long Fin Albino Pepper Wigglers

Last time we moved I just picked a wall. I cleared everything away from it, and started stacking boxes against it. I stacked them up to the ceiling several rows deep. I am really short so I had to have a ladder to get the top ones up there. :lol:
I also got some smaller boxes, and packed the stuff in the cabinets. Then stuck the boxes back in the cabinets where the stuff came from. I filled the clausets, and lined every wall possible.
You don't realize how much stuff you have until you start packing to move. It is a good time to cull some stuff though. I think I filled a trash bag for every 2 boxes of stuff I kept. I also sent 3 truck loads of stuff to Goodwill, and somehow we still have more stuff than what can find a place to go. We really need about 3 more rooms.

My lf albinos usually hide the eggs on the glass behind their cave where the mossy wood is the closest to the glass. (at the back) They know I have trouble getting to that part of the tank. :rolleyes: They have plenty of floating plants and such, but they refuse to let it be that easy. :lol:
Your experience with too much stuff was amplified exponentially when I moved two years ago after 30 years in my mother's house!

Now if I had an empty wall--there would be a tank there already! :rolleyes: My cabinets won't hold a 12 fridge pack of sodas or a large box of Cherrios standing up and most shelves it will stick out of on it's side. Apartment living has been a real adjustment in food shopping.

But I can box up everything I don't have to have immediately and take it to the storage locker. Then I can stack boxes in the one closet, etc. It will be a feat to get everything put where it will be out of the way for the helpers moving the big stuff. I will have one morning to organize in the new apartment and get things going in it before the furniture helpers come to help.

But it will be a cinch compared to last time where I left enough stuff behind to pay my taxes for a couple of years, if I had been able to get it out to donate. Instead it was donated to the buyers, and I suppose they threw it out. I left a wheelbarrow that was from the Roosevelt WPA project, a mahogany piano from WWII, etc. No time, No room!
Oh yea... I forgot. The mts didn't really kick in until just after we moved here! :lol:
I don't have a free wall now either... and I have a 3 bedroom house. I am now working on stacking the tanks so I can go up the walls to fit more! :rofl: I can't even imagine trying to fit half of what I have in an apartment. :rolleyes:
The last eggs didn't do well. 2 fungussed and 2 went missing all together.
I got 7 new eggs today. I was cleaning the tank a little while doing the water change and trimming the plants a bit and...

I FOUND THE FOURTH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hyper: It is alive and doing just fine!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :wub: :D
I thought it was gone. Turns out it just hides very very well! I am so happy! :yahoo: :wub: :D

I got a pic with all four in it. I just have to get it loaded and see if it is any good. These fish are so hard to get a good pic of. If it is half way decent I will try to get it on here soon. :good:
I guess no one shares my joy... oh well. I am still tickled. It took so long to get live ones. I was, and still am, very excited to find I have one more than I thought. :wub:
I'm happy for you, ICEEGRL :yahoo: I hope these eggs hatch for you too. :)
Aww, sorry! You know I am super happy. I was waiting for the pic! Last night the network was down too.

Welcome back little one :flowers: :wub: :thumbs: :* :fish: :fish: :fish: :band: :hi:
My computer messed up, and it still isn't quite right. I will get the pic up as soon as I can.
You had to know something had to be wrong if I have gone this long without posting a pic.
They are swimming up and down the glass some now! I am so proud. They are growing like crazy too now that they can eat the same foods as the others.

My eggs will come out of the bubbler in the morning and go in the tank. They could decide to hatch any time now. I am going to try to keep them in the bubbler for 4 days then put them in the tank.
When they hatch in the bubbler they die, and when they go in the tank they fungus. I hope this works. The eggs look good so far. I only have 6 though. She hardly ever does very many. That's ok though. I need to get rid of some bronze and reg. peppers to make some room. The little ones are getting bigger, and there are tons of them! I need to find homes for some of them. I have found one lady that may want some. Maybe she will come get some soon.

If I ever get around to building the tank stands that will help a lot. The weather is nasty here, and it is getting cold too. With me still sick I really don't want to be outside working in the rain and cold. I may end up having to try to do it inside. I just hate to make that kind of mess in the house.

Thanks inchworm!

Thanks Sue! Did you get moved? You said that you had help coming Friday... I just knew we would see a thread about the new fish room by now? What is going on?
Moving Friday the November 9th. The furniture Friday afternoon. My day Saturday. The fish Sunday morning. I have several pictures of messes in the apartment and fish for some threads, but last night the server was down and tonight Photobucket is doing maintenance. LOL

All the computers are downloading protection updates. It really slows me down to a crawl, if not stopping me altogether.
:blush: Sorry. I thought it was last Friday. I guess it isn't that big of a rush then. :look:

I found that it is easier and faster not to use a photo site at all. I just resize them, and pull them streight from my pics on my computer.

I am going to try to load that pic again. I think we got the problem solved. Everything appears to be working now.
Let's see...
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What a pretty tank! The little albinos really stand out in contrast to the vivid colors of the gravel and plants. I really like your cave too. :cool:
Thanks. The part that I have the moss on in there is the part I cut off to make the door. All of my caves have moss on them except this one. I let algae grow on this one for the fry. They appear to like it. I clean everything except that one cave.

They show up pretty well now, but were so hard to find when they were smaller! I could look for hours and still not find them. I still don't see how in the world a white fish could possibly blend in so well against black and green! That continues to blow my mind. :S

It won't be too long before they are ready to join their parents.
I am afraid to put the eggs in with them. They are big enough to try to eat them. That would not make me happy! I wanted to keep them in the fry tank a little longer, but I think they are going to have to move so I can get the new eggs put in the fry tank before they hatch. I think they are getting really close.

Is the cave a real coconut shell? I've heard about using them, but never gave it a try. I have some moss growing on a piece of driftwood and just love it. I don't know why it wouldn't do just as well on a shell. Do you have a picture of one of them, please?
Yes it is real. I poked a hole to drain then cleaned it out. I filed the edges smoothe and tied moss on with strings. I also poked a small hole on top to let air and water flow through a little. You can cut them any shape and size you want. I like that. I really love that they are cheap! They work really well too!
I'll get a pic for you...

edit: Don't forget to clean it really well and boil it. It will leach tanis just like the drift wood too. Anything you can grow on wood you can grow on these.

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