Long Arm Shrimp Info

That would be a pretty sweet name! I assume you need a licence for most of the crays on the German website then? Anyone know how to go about getting one?
I guess you could just go to DEFRA though and see what they say.
A general licence has been issued under the Crayfish Order, in respect of the redclaw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus), a native of Northern Australia. This is the only crayfish currently recognised as a tropical species and therefore incapable of reproducing in the wild in Britain
Thats the silly part, there seems to be loads of crayfish out there with similar temperature ranges to the red claw :rolleyes: . Silly DEFRA.
On a side note if i was going to get any crayfish i would get Cherax destructor on it's scientific name alone. I wish my name was destructor.

yep i know what they mean BUT.
" Redclaw are native to the tropical region of northern Australia. Therefore, Redclaw grow best in relatively warm water (75 to 85F)".
" Water temperatures of below 70F significantly reduce growth".
"water temperatures below 50F are lethal".
"Research has shown that peak spawning occurred at a water temperatures of 82C and 14 hours of light".

quoted from: The United States department of agriculture. SRAC publication 244

Though there is a, very bad IMO, theory that keeping Redclaw at lower temps, helps avoid bacterial infection. which is true, but to the detriment of the physical well being of the Cray. cant see the point of keeping a Cray in unnatural, conditions. just so you don't have to be so careful with it!
Please don't add a long armed shrimp to a tank with fish you'll start lossing your fish, I speak from experience lost 13 fish biggest being about 4 cm's from a shrimp that was 1cm when I got it. I could belive it was the shrimp until I witnessed it trying to grab 1 of my corys, then everything fit into place.

If you want to keep them set up a new tank for them.
Please don't add a long armed shrimp to a tank with fish you'll start lossing your fish, I speak from experience lost 13 fish biggest being about 4 cm's from a shrimp that was 1cm when I got it. I could belive it was the shrimp until I witnessed it trying to grab 1 of my corys, then everything fit into place.

If you want to keep them set up a new tank for them.

lol yeh i aint thinking of that :good: :good: .well not the kind you find about atm. think we settled on a Vampire shrimp. to relpace the cray.
Maybe I have some illegal aliens, I have some 'Cambarellus patzcuarensis' a dwarf cray, maybe that’s why they were labelled ‘fire shrimp’ in the lfs. Oops!! Anyone know if they are legal or not.
Maybe I have some illegal aliens, I have some 'Cambarellus patzcuarensis' a dwarf cray, maybe that’s why they were labelled ‘fire shrimp’ in the lfs. Oops!! Anyone know if they are legal or not.

ELLO ELLO wat ave we here then? said whilst flexing the knees :hyper: . they are illegal. you could try for a special licence! but you must report the vendor to DEFRA. lol there is a reason for these laws, and we have enough to do sorting the signal, to have others appear. i cant stress how important it is to report this, not every one who buys one will have, any idea about the law!
I wouldnt have got them had I known, I am quite attached to them now have had them a few weeks, cute little guys. I guess I will have to apply for a licence, just wondering what would happen if I didnt get it would I be expected to destroy the little guys. I will tell the lfs I dont think they know and if they dont respond appropiately then I would report them.
there are a couple of them in this pic. See how cool and cute they are, dont want to get rid of them, I do understand why the law is important for native species. The single one is on a vampire moult.


I wouldnt have got them had I known, I am quite attached to them now have had them a few weeks, cute little guys. I guess I will have to apply for a licence, just wondering what would happen if I didnt get it would I be expected to destroy the little guys. I will tell the lfs I dont think they know and if they dint respond appropiately then I would report them.
there are a couple of them in this pic. See how cool and cute they are, dont want to get rid of them, I do understand why the law is important for native species. The single one is on a vampire moult.



they are really nice, i would love to keep them. thing is if you wish to keep these, on special licence, you will need to import them yourself. so most applications, if already own the cray, end in their destruction sadly. but it is still worth a try.
Liam, what a beautiful little thing that cray is. I'm so annoyed they're illegal here. :(

I called defra last year to ask about a licence and was told I'd have no chance. I wouldn't qualify as a scientific researcher or farmer and was told there's almost no way a hobbyist would be granted a licence. That's no fun.
They are gorgeous feisty little guys, I have six, I called DEFRA who told me it was illegal to keep them and a licence was very unlikely. I am having a bit of a dilemma about what to do, I told the lfs who still have a few they seemed shocked, haven’t made a decision about what to do and I think maybe I wont make any decision for a long time :shifty: . I couldn’t imagine such orange little guys would survive five minutes in the wild in the UK anyway, they are legal in France Germany and just about every other country in the EU. The law is surely a blunt instrument in this case.

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