I used to have a pair of Buenos Aires tetra until the male died to natural reasons. Since they are hard to find in my local area because I have only one pet shop that sell tropical fish and they kinda have nice selection of tropical fish species, however they rarely order Bueno aire tetras. I knew they are schooling species but I need a sub group for my female. I was thinking about normal finned black widow tetra since they are also med sized tetra or what about undyed white skirt tetras? My tank is 75 gal (United States). Current fish in tank: 3 inchfemale Bueno aire
7 inch Male blood parrot
5 inch Male kenyi cichlid, he's not your normal african because he's has deformed jaws (very small jaws and looks like bulldog) and unable to defend himself from his siblings so forced to remove him from breeding group and to live with blood parrot which have no problems with his african cousin for two years.
3 glofish
And a male basslet goodeid.
So which is best species to keep my buenos aires company:
Black widow tetras
Some large hyphessobrycon species that's common to aquarium trade.
Also I find a fish that looks like black widow but more light blue (not dyed) and little more streamlined than them expect in same size. Also has longer dorsal fin than black widow what is this species? Will it make good company for her?
7 inch Male blood parrot
5 inch Male kenyi cichlid, he's not your normal african because he's has deformed jaws (very small jaws and looks like bulldog) and unable to defend himself from his siblings so forced to remove him from breeding group and to live with blood parrot which have no problems with his african cousin for two years.
3 glofish
And a male basslet goodeid.
So which is best species to keep my buenos aires company:
Black widow tetras
Some large hyphessobrycon species that's common to aquarium trade.
Also I find a fish that looks like black widow but more light blue (not dyed) and little more streamlined than them expect in same size. Also has longer dorsal fin than black widow what is this species? Will it make good company for her?